šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on New Lunar New Year Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v54]

This is One of major issue, SG pumping out new heroes much stronger than previous months, that is the cycle. Releasing new family members next year means that you wonā€™t have 2023 Lunar heroes being competitive and in the same team as 2024ā€¦
Basically, the family member bonus is useless?

Happy gaming

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Yea i really sont see that happening lol. But other seasonal heros sure. But 2 heros may be due to how people seem to chase new heros reguardless look, so they are banking on peoples lack of self control.


Except they will give these 2 a buff to make them more equal to their family and potentially lead to more people wanting them. They buffed other heros who were featured before their familys if i remember right the styx and gargoyles.

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Yes. Usual game economy initiatives. Buffs to Styx and gargoyles before their portals launched.

Think magic and CoK received them too.

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I think the members of the top 20 alliances are motivated to try for this hero. Lets say 20x30 members and a 100$ average summoning budget gives you 60k $ from this group alone. Others will try too, in bigger numbers but eith lower budgets. So I think after the fees for Apple and Google they willl make more than half a million $ revenue from this portal aloneā€¦

Happy summoning


Yes, but the cycle between Styx portal it Gargoyels portal is usually 1-3 months, not a whole year.
It will take take several years before all 6 heroes are released. Or do I miss some puzzle :face_with_monocle:

Maybe I donā€™t understand the family bonusā€¦ even if you spend a lot and get both Lunar now, you donā€™t have family bonus until you get Lunar from another year? Or will this yearā€™s Lunar give each other the family bonus?

Happy games

I am astonished by your math
600x100$= according to you 600k $

I wouldnā€™t mind getting the new lunar heros but Iā€™m not getting my hopes up that they will be released by the same specials as prompted or with decent oddsā€¦I will wait and see before spending this event portal my luck has been sad at bestā€¦

May the portals show you all some kindness!!!


You are right one order of magnitude to bigā€¦

But all in all they will earn a few bucks from this portal. I corrected the original post.
Thanks for showing me the and happy gaming

Idk, a 0.25% chance just to get a 5* glorified greymane. Or even THE original glorified greymane, Fenrir. Except this tiger can also shut down minions with no effort

Styx heroes were launched earlier. BF 2021? Or was it summer solstice 2022? At least 2.

Anyway Styx was launched to live game in Sept 2022. And returned in November 2022 (got a buff here; Charon released in the round)

2 more Styx heroes to be released. My guess? Feb 2023. Or maybe March 2023.

Gargoyles are part of challenge events. Grouped under different rotation. Gargoyles will alternate with CF1 and CF2.

Gargoyles Dec 2022
CF1 Jan 2023
CF2 ??? Feb 2023 (can also be gargoyles again)

As for FB: tiger hero gives +10% attack to all members of lunar family. So bunny will get the +10% attack. If bunny is in the same attack team.

Bunny gives tiger +5% mana gen FB.

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In February we can have mighty pets too as it has several unreleased heroes.


Looks like thereā€™s a backlog!!! :joy::rofl:

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27 heroes and 28 costumes which were Beta tested waiting for their arrival ā€¦


Lol let me update my notes. :rofl::joy:

You see them in my topic:

I hope my headcount in the unreleased section is correct.

No worries. Any omissions or double counting will be sorted out eventually.

I am keeping a manual tally in my game diary as well. Should tally with yours at month end.

It occurs to me that perhaps this portal, if these odds stand, is perhaps designed to be a deliberate ā€œI am a whaleā€ declaration?

I mean, with a 99.5% chance of getting only (uncostumed) S1
heroes, arguably almost the only people spending money here will be those willing to chase one of the new releases pretty hard (assuming someone only wants either one of the new releases, it would take roughly 140 pulls to have a 50% chance of randomly getting either one, or over 270 pulls to have a 75% chance) ā€” and while, of course, presumably EHTs could result in one of the new heroes, with such poor odds almost everyone will save their EHTs for better odds of something new, i.e. literally any other seasonal portal (even a player who actually has every single seasonal hero so far may be more likely to draw a newly released hero in an upcoming portal than to get one of the Lunar releases).

The key here, unlike other ā€œ0.5% chance of a newly released heroā€ portals, is that the 99.5% is uncostumed S1, not even ā€œmixed grab bag of previous and possibly-still-new-to-you heroesā€, soā€¦ it only makes sense to summon here if either you have a hero-chasing budget even at these odds and/or literally nothing else in the game is new to youā€¦

ā€¦which means that actually having either of these new Lunar heroes is pretty arguably and effectively an in-game ā€œI am a whaleā€ sign (significantly moreso than buying and displaying the PoV border-around-the-avatar).


This is just all speculationā€¦and for what?

Literally the purpose of the thread is discussion

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