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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the new Hero of the Month Families._
All Information from Beta is Subject to Change!
Don’t get attached
Details from beta, especially brand-new beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual feature release.
It’s incredibly common that features are changed during beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of beta testing.
So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of skills to be removed or reworked.
Hero of the Month Families
Families give bonuses for each unique Hero of the same family in battle.
2017: can’t see you using two of the same color hero in a mono attack. Old school Ares and Alberich could have been seen together. I don’t see much of a synergy here among these heroes where the 15% will come into play.
2018: Gravemaker and Zim is the first pair that comes to mind. Perhaps we’ll see Evelyn and Zeline be paired together.
2019: Kunchen and Seshat may already be ona titan team together. Same with Miki and Frida. This just made blue stacks even stronger!
2020: bonus to healing is normally bad since it’s multiplicative and not addative (can I get a confirm on that).
I don’t see this changing raids/war too much. Biggest difference will be Miki + Frida. I have Frida and often mana pot her to finish off challenge events. This just made her that much better.
If I do a rainbow team with 5 HOTM from a particular year, each HOTM elemental link, once HOTM is activated, will be shared with the other 4 allies regardless of element ?
These are actual buffs to old hotms only takes 1 hero to get the initial family bonus, and the elemental link applies to all elements which is another great buff
That’s how I read it, but just if the HotM are all the same year.
I am already thinking of how I can make a blue 3,1,1 with the 3 blue including Frida and including my Anzogh and Kingston with Frida, Kingston and Anzogh all sharing the element link. Initial thought is Frida, CKiril, LB Sapphire, Anzogh, Kingston
Would be nice if those heroes have an element link.
Overall I really like this idea, especially some older hotm would profit a lot from those buffs, but please consider giving first generation hotm an element link or this buff won’t effect the oldest hotm as much as newer generations.
The Elemental Link applies to all heores.
I have Glenda and Malosi on my team, and I have activated both special skills, and now all other hero (eg: Bera) have the +10% Critical chance family bonus and the Ice minion.
It will be fun when we are able to put Malicna, YM, Frosth, Elradir and Devana in the same team and have their Elemental links shared between all of them.