đŸ§Ș Early Information on Friendly Matches [Part of The Beta Beat V35]

I think the concern is not about the strong being attacked by the weak but literally the opposite. I doubt weak players will like getting attacked several times a day by their stronger teammates and losing every single time, but I might be wrong.

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To what gain?

If that’s your clan’s behaviour, best to find a nicer group of ppl to game with.


I’m most excited for a new arena to test heroes and team compositions, both attacking and defending and be able to discuss feedback with other alliance members. Beyond that, there’s the fun aspect of just having a dual with alliance mates, or the possibility of player driven tournaments outside of wars. Great feature and I’m please SG finally got around to implementing it.

I personally don’t mind the limit on attacks but then I’m someone who sometimes struggles just to fit everything else in during an average day, especially with so much stuff filling the E&P calendar.

Now, we just need the ability to attack our own defense and we’re really cooking!

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What do you mean? You’re against the idea of people opting out if they don’t want to be attacked, even if it is a friendly match, aren’t you?

When does this roll out? Google asked me to update today

This update is to introduce the mythic titans - the friendlies would be in a future update

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So after everyone updates? Not all of us are android users

They don’t (usually) enable the content until everyone has updated.

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First off, I love this new feature. A bit of debate going on about opting in or out. I imagine there are people who might use these friendly matches as a form of harassment, but if I were in an Alliance like that I would just plain leave. Tons of alliances with good peoples out there. That opinion aside, here’s an idea that might be some sort of middle ground.

Each player has the ability to opt out of having the results of friendly matches involving themselves be announced. That way, any alliance member could still practice against anyone they want, but the person who was defeated isn’t called out by the system. Helps keep the ability to test your offense fully in place, but prevents the shaming / negative aspect of having your team be defeated.

Edit for clarity - A system message would not show for ANYONE. It wouldn’t show for the attacker, it wouldn’t show for the defender, and it wouldn’t show for any alliance members.

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would be great if we could raid our own team
thats better than raiding teamates and send them the video to analyze


This feature is not included in the current update. You can read the release notes (linked above already). The current release (V34) is primarily to add the Mythic Titans to the game.


Thank you so much Guvnor! I did read it then got excited about raiding my teammates :crazy_face:

That still won’t help weaker teammates feeling inadequate after seeing their defense pummeled every day.

The issue is that there is often a significant power discrepancy between top and bottom players in an alliance. Normally this isn’t a problem as they never clash but with this feature, weak players will find themselves attacked by strong players regularly, something that rarely happened to them before.

It doesn’t matter that strong players don’t do that to bully their teammates. What matters is how weak players feel about it. After all, many bullies don’t believe that what they’re doing is bullying.

Opting out would be a very good solution for those that don’t want to feel inadequate in their own alliance.

Again, most of these concerns would be moot if players could attack their own defense. I honestly see no reason why developers wouldn’t allow this.

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I think you might have misread the 2nd paragraph of my post. That is exactly what my idea addressed, opting out from those messages showing up when you are attacked. Just to explicitly state it, the idea is that NOBODY would see those messages when you are attacked if you are opted out - not the attacker, not the defender, and not the alliance members.

I did read it. I thought you meant nobody else in the alliance though.

In that case I like the idea.

But again, this shows that the current proposal is very flawed, seeing as how we are looking for different ways to fix it.

Excellent addition to the game. I only wish you could set a defense specifically for this. It would be nice to test specific defenses or offenses for Raid Tournies without changing your normal raid defenses and losing cups.

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I see a different approach with regards to strong members attacking their weaker fellow members within the alliance. Though I would prefer attacking the defense of fellow strong members, I may be attacking weak members only to record such attack to show our weaker members the use of easily accessible heroes, mostly 4* ones and how they can be used for their advantage when attacking. It will also show them a different approach on how raids or war hits is to be made by not relying entirely on heroes’ skills to to kill opposing heroes but also with tiles. This video clip then can be shared in our Line group chat for members to discuss defense and raid strategies.

I don’t think any decent alliance with strong and level-minded members will just bully their weaker members. Otherwise, it will just leave a bad taste in our mouth.

In sum, I like this new feature. When released, it may take some needed tweaking like most released features do (wars, raid tourneys, Alchemy Lab, etc).


I’m not saying that alliances are full of bullies. The problem with bullying though is oftentimes it’s not done intentionally or even consciously.

Like in your very example, I have no doubt that you have the best intentions in mind. But how would a weak player feel when a strong player shares with the entire alliance recordings of successful attacks using mostly 4* heroes that are easily accessible against the weak player’s defense?

If you wanted to teach your alliance how to properly raid, then why not attack someone else outside your alliance?

And if you wanted to offer feedback to your teammate about his/her defense, why not share this recording in a private chat room with that teammate instead of making it available to everyone?

Like I said, I honestly believe you meant no harm and you had only good intentions, but by many accounts, what you described could be easily mistaken for bullying.

I like the idea, I am not against it. I just wish that most of the kinks are fixed before it’s implemented and the risk of bullying is one of those kinks.

Seems like some people have the wrong idea that I am opposed to friendly matches, so I’ll post next something I wrote elsewhere about this feature to clarify my position.


A lot of good ideas here. Seems like most people agree on a few important points. Sorry for the repetition but these are my final thoughts on this feature, as currently presented:


Allow players to attack their own defense. I can’t emphasize how important this is and how many issues this will resolve or prevent. If anything else, this makes more sense from a business strategy too. I have no reason to purchase refills to attack my teammates for no material benefits when I could purchase a raid flask instead and get by default better returns.


Offer players the option to mute/hide attacks against them. This idea came from others but I believe it solves many issues too, starting from spamming the alliance chat to preventing bullying, intimidation, and ridicule. Players who check a mute button will disable all notifications on friendly matches against their defense. This way only the attacker will know the result but absolutely no one else.


Allow players to have their own private arena. They can set their defense, separate from their raid one, so this won’t affect their trophy count, and they can also set the battle conditions from a preset menu that mirrors field conditions in wars or tournaments. This way each player can benefit from testing not only their defense but also their offense in conditions that cannot be replicated otherwise, such as the undead horde wars. It will also make friendly matches a must participate and a fun feature since each teammate will likely offer something different from others. It also makes a lot of sense money-wise as it will be a great incentive for players to purchase and use more flask. A win-win situation.


I understand what you’re getting at. Fortunately for me, we have evolved to a good healthy talking alliance active in chat both in-game and in Line. Of course, we would be asking permission whether the video clip will be for public consumption or only for the concerned member’s eyes only. Regardless, most of our weaker members will just laugh it off. Everybody knows nothing can be done on defense as it all depends largely on the boards. RNG be RNG.

Yep. The thing is, raiding in the mid and upper diamond needs to use your best heroes in order for you to fill up raid chests quickly. On friendly matches, since there is no chest required to be filled up and it replenishes daily, I can use some of my weaker heroes common to our weaker members to simply show them the importance of synergy and tile manipulation. Again, I would underscore and made them understand that no bullying is intended.

I agree on this a hundred percent. But then again, permission may be sought if the video clip can be shown in the chat group solely for the purpose of letting everyone see the how the raid is done. My alliance does not belong to the top 1000 but we did broke the top 1000 a few months back but regressed due to members leaving the game or for greener pastures. We are somewhat laid back but with certain rules to follow on wars and against titans and chat decorum, including POV. We share in-game and off-game experiences in the chats.

What I wanted to know are the in-game alliance-wide activities or competitions and the rewards given by the Leader or strong players. We previously did the lowest titan score several times prior to the start of the POVs. We also encourage beating our previous titan hits or overall score without flask usage, as well as highest trophy count. But I cant imagine how to rewards members on their effort other than promoting them from Members to Elders to Co-Leaders depending on their contribution with the alliance.