🧪 Early Information on Amulets [Part of The Beta Beat V47]

That encourage me to try to complete them without using amulet…

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Beta balance update

Was Sceptre

  • Special skill damage boost increased: +50% → +80%

Udjat Eye

  • Attack and mana debuffs increased: -3% → -5%


  • Amount of mana received decreased: 10% → 5%
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There are also some changes about when each amulet is awarded, and when the Amulett slots are opening.
The updated information is now also in the OP.
We are now seeing which provinces will open up the next amulets too.


The Amulet descriptions are now adjusted with the exact new wordings.

Beta Update:

I have added the Amulet 5-6 description from Beta to the OP here, and also into the released amulets topic.

Something is wrong with the unlock province in OP. In game Ankh and Was was unlocked at province 1 and Tjet at province 4. So I suppose that Udjat would unlock at province 7, am I right?

It looks like Staff, has adjusted the amulet releases.

Here is the correct, released one:

Which can be found here:

I will add information there only for any further provincies.


I wonder how to maximize Tjet effect, which heroes use with that amulet.
Isn’t there any max stack?

I think each Stack type (attack, defense, mana generation, damage) has a maximum of 10.

So no matter from which source there can be 10 stacks per type on an enemy.

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Amulets are live.
You can discuss them here:

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