Hey y’all. I’m in the process of classin’ out Drake. I’d like some advice from an experienced user of Mr. Fong. What paths/branches would you recommend? He’ll be in my wings.
Thanks in advance!
Hey y’all. I’m in the process of classin’ out Drake. I’d like some advice from an experienced user of Mr. Fong. What paths/branches would you recommend? He’ll be in my wings.
Thanks in advance!
Then went a bit of a mix of Defence & HP along the way…
As Drake is on my Right Wing for war defence, if I ever get resources enough & feel like it I will re-do the emblem path to be:
Attack > Defence > HP
Reasons for Defence > HP here: "How better" is +18 DEF than +36 Health right now? In what cases it's resonable to go for the HP instead? - #5 by Guvnor
Guv, Thank you very much. This is exactly the kind of intel I has hoping to receive. I’m going to take your recommendation and build the path as you are suggesting.
Are there any interactive resources that allow a player to mock build talents? I have tried searching and just can’t find anything.
I ignored convention and just mixed it up entirely, got really awesome balanced results.
I like that he is extremely durable, both against immediate damage but also against dots (hp >1500 + monk resist).
Thanks man! Another angle to consider.
I’d love to see some other players post their Drake Talent Trees.
Same path for me @firmpulse, all attack except I took the def/health at the very bottom (instead of the top) to give him a little extra durability for all the DOTs
Awesome. Thanks much!
I thought long and hard about this one too as it didn’t seem as obvious as other heroes, particularly if he’s going on your defence team. I went almost the same as @KID but went differently on the 8th and 9th nodes just to provide a little more balance.
Thanks, Agl. Much appreciated.
Thank you Ryan. That’s a solid set up