When I finish Gullinbursti who should be next Drake Fong or Joon? Both are amazing but who takes priority (and why)?
Personally My vote is Drake Fong.
Between Jackal & Rabbit you have the Sniping covered. Drake with his blind to 3 is invaluable in offence IMO.
I have Drake Maxed & will probably max a second one before I get around to maxing out Joon…
Drake all the way…
Drake. It’s not even close.
I have emblems on both Drake and Joon. I also have Jackel at +16. In a threesome my choice is jackel, Joon and C-vivi. In a twosome it it drake and c-Vivi. The threesome i great for killing purple tanks. in the twosome it is a support role but drake does have a nice kick.
Before you take on another attacker, I would push gulli tot he max, (healer do better at their peak vs attackers)
Congrats getting Drake, I assume from that last Atlantis portal. He may not be the real Bruce Lee, but go max the Master of Martial Arts. He has something no S1 hero has: Element Link.
In my honest opinion it should be Drake Fong, 100%
Whichever hero you choose, good luck
Yeah drake being you have other good snipers.
I had C-Joon at emblem level 14 and decided to strip his emblems for Drake. I have not regretted it at all and enjoy Drake with emblems much more.
drake all the way…
Drake was my very first HOTM. I nurtured him. I also have 2 maxed out Joon. They both blind and joon hits harder, but ultimately, drake hits 3. I gave drake emblems to secure our relationship lol!!
I echo everyone else. Drake isn’t flashy, but he’s one of the best all-around heroes in the game. You can pretty much use him everywhere. Offense, defense, titans, events, farming. Great at all of it. You won’t regret maxing him.
I don’t have Drake but I fear facing him more than Joon. He can ruin 3 guys and cripple them, where as Joon only does 1.
drake fong is a top tier hero, joon is not.
joons snipe is awesome and should be maxed just not before drake
My Drake+17 emblems is so good to the point that I dislike Joon because of him. I would burn my maxed Joon plus his 2 other copies that will forever rest in my roster for another copy of Drake.
I also always tend to bring G. Jackal with me instead of Joon.
(costume vivica + g. jackal + drake is a massacre)
I vote for joon you aleardy have a rabit for your defence (with is great replacement for drake) and to all who call you got SNIPERS, where? My jackal (+20 max attack) hit for 400-500 he and joon are great combo with that you can kill almost all heroes in one combo this is great synergy for attack.