Do you get a chance to draw hotm from the costume chamber?

Saving up my gems for my next 10 pull which should hit in December, I kinda want to do it in the costume chamber but I can’t remember if the chamber gives you a chance to draw for the HOTM which will strongly effect my decision. Thanks for any help.

Yes, 20 char… HOTM in Costume chamber portal


20 Thanks @jinbatsu!

Yes, you can get HOTM from the costume chamber. The new costumes should be in either this portal or the next which is a big factor depending if there are new heroes and who will be featured in November.

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Thanks @ffphier! So there’s a featured costume with a higher chance to draw that one? Sorry I took a hiatus for 10 months and am just recently getting back into the game. Costumes had just came out right before I quit last November.

Yes, there are 2 featured every month. Marjana, Leonidas, and Thorne look to me to be best out of the new batch coming out.

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2o Thank yous @ffphier!