Defense team opinions!

So I ve had some new heroes maxed lately, some old ones buffed and the meta has really changed once again and I m not sure which ones would make the best possible defense for me and in what order…I change them at every war and really cant decide!

  • the League is coming and every day I keep changing my defense until I stay with a final one.

Really confused here, tell me what would you choose for a defense with these heroes available for a general war defense and for the league specifically if you would like! I wanna hear different opinions! Focus only on the maxed ones (Phorcys for example is not maxed yet)


Phorcy is the best thing you got there should do him fast I been chasing him since he came out

Should’ve done him before Luna you need a good team to pair with Luna

Well I got Phorcys wayy later, I had already maxed Luna. I need 3 more tambards for Phorcys…

You didn’t answer my question though :joy:

I would do from left to right:

R&N-Luna-c.Guinivere-Kephri- Cel

Congrats to your fine heroes.

If you need to use purple tanks, I would do:

R&N, Ariel, Luna, c. Guinivere, Edwin

Happy gaming

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Nice order, tbh I haven’t tried them this way ever! I will now! thank you for answering!! :smiley:

I know wasn’t trying to answer question was just giving my 2 cents

Creating an effective defense team in your game depends on the specific heroes, abilities, and current meta. Please list your maxed heroes for tailored recommendations.

Acrually they are the ones in the uploaded photo.
Luna - lvl 89
Khepri - lvl 90
C. Tyr - lvl 90
Edwin - 85
C. Thor - 85
C. Guinevere - 85
Cel - 80
Sneferu- 85
Oniwakamaru - 85
Cx2. Rigard - 80
Horus - 85
C. Gravemaker - 80
Grace - 85
Galapago - 80
Rougian and Nugrib - 85
Ariel- 85