My team this time:
- Domitia +10
- Sabina +20
- Ameonna +9
- Kelile 4^70
- Scarlett 4^52
Major changes from last time, with Ameonna in for Danzaburo 4^70 and Scarlett in for Skittleskull 4^70. Scarlett was a late comer to my roster, so I’m just now getting her leveled, but it seems like she brings a similar skill to Skittleskull, but at fast mana. Danza brings a better color for the mobs, but nuclear Ameonna (all attack emblem path) gives way better tile damage and a somewhat more reliable special for the bosses. Also, I’m trading off some defense for attack here. Ameonna at least has the option to run and hide for a while with her special. Finally, being dependent on just two out of five colors isn’t really my playstyle, but boy, do those two colors pack a punch when they hit. Oh yeah; Domitia also grabbed that super expensive 10th talent node since last time.
Mob waves weren’t too challenging, as Scarlett was able to blunt their attacks and Sabina kept folks in good health. Entered the boss wave with everyone charged and a decent board. Focused snipers on Skittleskull, and she eventually burned to death from Kelile’s DoT. Used antidotes to reverse attack down, although in hindsight, I had intended to do bear banners, as @jinbatsu suggested last time. Having switched to a tile-damage-based team, as I did, banners would have made more sense. I just forgot.
Amazingly, I didn’t notice any evades from Boss Scarlett or Boss Domitia, as I moved to Scarlett after taking care of Skittles. Hit a dry spell of purple, burned through all my healing potions, and lost Scarlett before being able to take out Boss Scarlett. When it was down to just Boss Domitia, she sniped my Kelile, but I had enough room for ghosting tiles on either side that I was able to keep everyone else healthy with Sabina’s heal and hit hard enough with purple and red tiles to finish the job. Only health potions and antidotes used, so I’m a happy camper. Will probably run this lineup again next time to see if this two-color strategy is a long-term thing for me in this trial.
Not enough emblems for Domitia or Ameonna to advance. Trainer hero goes to duplicate Boril. If I had the roster space, I’d save it to see if I can pull Vela with my 19 EHTs on January 1, but I don’t, and F2P should never count on pulling a HotM (even though I’m kinda hoping for her between EHTs, challenge coins, Atlantis coins, and gems in January!) Merry Christmas, all!