Dear professionals, could you please give me an advice about my defense team?

Dear professionals, could you please give me an advice about my defense team?
I’ve got tiburtus 4.70 colem 4.70 kiril 4.70 cadimonster 3.60 and liu xiu 3.60.

I’m handling pretty well while attacking but when I out of my phone score are going really down :frowning:

I have some good heroes that helps a lot but I would like to have an second opinion.

I also have;
Kadilen 4.70 khagan 4.70 Quintus 2.60 Guardian jackal 4.60 wu-kong 4.60 boril 4.60 kasherek 4.60
Grim 4.60 Domitia 2.60 scarlet 4.60 melendor 4.60 rigard 4.60 sumitomo 4.60 and
Atomos 2.60.

Please if u guys have chance take a look on my line up and give me light in this dark world.

Appreciate, cheers


Easiest thing to do would be to post some screenshots of your roster so that people can give a full idea :slight_smile:

@littleKAF or @zephyr1 maybe move to a new thread as its not QUITE in the same vein as this OP?



So my suggestion would be to run:

Li Xiu → Tiburtus → Kiril → Colen → Caedmon

I would work on getting Li Xiu & Caedmon up to final ascension.
Kiril is an OK tank. A better one would probably be Boril BUT Grimm is probably more useful overall (not for defence tho).

My suggestions for levelling:

In general, I would advise leaving 5* heroes be until you have more depth… a 5* at 3-70 is generally worse than a maxed 4* hero. A 5* at 2-60 is even worse… If you don’t have the mats to finish a 4* hero yet, I would keep working on more 4* to 3-60 or go back & work on some more 3* heroes.

Finish your 5* heroes you’re currently working on to the end of their current tier but no further after that… (Domitia to 3-60, khagan to 3-70).

Red - Finish Scarlett (if you have the mats) otherwise keep working on Sumitomo. Then go back & work on some 3* heroes until you get the mats to finish heroes off.

Blue - Boril or Grimm. Boril is a good tank & does OK in offence. Grimm is the inverse… does great on offence & against titans but isn’t the best on defence. I would personally prioritise Grimm over Boril for overall versatility but will be your call in the end.

Green - Caedmon & then Mel. I wouldn’t bother with Kasshrek until much later… Yes hes a good tank but thats really his ONLY use… by ascending him you will hamstring yourself for a while in terms of using rare ascension materials.

Yellow - Finish Li Xiu. No competition. After her I would probably advise Wu Kong & use him on all titans. He will bump up your attack (refer to link below regarding Wu Kong & titan damage buffing). Jackal would be next after that

Purple - Rigard next, no contest. Then go back & do some more 3* heroes.

Wu Kong & Titan Damage Boosting:

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Thanks a million, appreciate that. I’ve that jackal would be more useful for raids then liu xiu, but actually I pretty like the fact that she reduce the mana. Anyway once again thank you very much it does make a lot of sense

Li Xiu has the advantage over jackal that she can be used on defence. Jackal is just too flimsy to really hold up on a defence team :wink:

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All set, thanks!

Welcome to the Forum, @Kazan!



Jackal is great… If you run him with another yellow sniper too (or two of himself, even).
On his own, he’ll help you on holy titans with tile damage boost for himself and Li.

Li makes a great defence tank up to a point… Green AM’s should go to Caed before Kashh and blue AM’s should go to Grimm before Boril.
Kashh and Boril are better tanks than Li, but not by enough to be worth levelling them when you’ve got more useful hero’s on the deck.

As much as it goes against colour-covering… Caed left wing for dispel first, surely?

For now, IMHO:
Caed, Tibs, Kiril, Colen, Li

When Caed and Li are maxed…
Caed, Tibs, Li, Kiril, Colen.

Definitely raise Grimm over Boril.
Definitely raise Caed first, then Mel. Maybe not raise Kashh at all.
Definitely do Rigard.
Definitely Scarlett before Sumi, though neither are overly inspiring.

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Thanks, now I’m starting lvl up Liu xiu and it’s looking like that… Is that ok???

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Put Caed on the left - if enemy fires riposte (if he attacks with Boril or Cyprian) or a defence buff etc, you want Caed firing first to dispel it before Tibs/Colen/Li do damage.

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I’m not sure if I should place colen or tiburtus on the left flank

Tibertus on left flank.

Remember, your defence fires left to right (if more than one special is ready on the same turn).

Tibertus debuffs enemy defence… If Tibs and Colen fire on the same turn, you want Tibs to fire first (Def down) so Colen does more damage.

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Dear professionals, could you please give me an advice about my defense team?
I’ve got tiburtus 4.70 colem 4.70 kiril 4.70 cadimonster 3.60 and liu xiu 3.60.

I’m handling pretty well while attacking but when I out of my phone score are going really down :frowning:

I have some good heroes that helps a lot but I would like to have an second opinion.

I also have;
Kadilen 4.70 khagan 4.70 Quintus 2.60 Guardian jackal 4.60 wu-kong 4.60 boril 4.60 kasherek 4.60
Grim 4.60 Domitia 2.60 scarlet 4.60 melendor 4.60 rigard 4.60 sumitomo 4.60 and
Atomos 2.60.

Please if u guys have chance take a look on my line up and give me light in this dark world.

Appreciate, cheers

Hey @Kazan, like i suggested on the OTHER thread you posted this same question on the EASIEST thing that you can do to get PROPER advice is to upload Screenshots of your hero roster…

Do this by tapping the :framed_picture: icon in your reply…


I can just upload 1 picture as I’m an new member on the forum. It won’t fit everything it will be hard to make a solid analysis without having the correct info. I’ll try to modify somehow in order to make a decent presentation


Replied to your other comment. YOu can upload numerous pictures in a single post just by tapping the :framed_picture: icon a second time.

Can I suggest you set up a separate thread rather than hi-jack someone else’s :confounded:.

Edit - you’ll also get more responses that way too.

Edit 2 - I see you already have a separate thread :woman_facepalming:

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I moved the posts from the other thread to here now too, to get it all into one place. Thanks for the heads up. :slightly_smiling_face:

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