Darts - Caitlin or Wolfgang?

I got lucky with 5* yellow heroes in recent events and pulled Caitlin, then Motega and Wolfgang(!). First darts went to Motega (now 4/80, +20). Trying to decide whether to give the next darts to Caitlin or Wolfgang? Any suggestions?

Wolfgang. I have both (Caitlin LB and Wolfgang fully amblemed). Not very pleasant with Caitlin. Maybe if you have a few more Slayers

I was already more inclined towards Wolfgang (family bonus with Quenell) than Caitlin (no other 5* Slayer). :slight_smile:

May I ask why your experience is not very pleasant with Caitlin? Among Slayers, she had rave reviews and was the favourite 5*.

I’ll share from an alliance mate experience and what I’ve seen on youtube. She’s great with the dispell first, but the damage is quite low. Rian is in a sort of similar situation and he is far from being a priority on my heroes list to max.

I think Caitlin Wizard class will shine a bit with all these HotM indispensable family buffs.

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Her damage is not quite good… she rarely can achieve 340% to all enemies. Good thing is debuff, but thats all… go Wolfgang, you wont regret

Thanks for sharing your experiences. I’ll go with Wolfgang. :slight_smile: