Dark choice next 5 star Mystero or Domitia Costume?

I ask me, what to do for the next dark project.
Currently I have in Dark:
Ursena 4,80 (18)
Kageburano 4,80 (9)
Clarissa 4,80
2x Tiburtus costume
3x Rigard Costume
My dark Team in GDA is Tiburtus, Rigard, Ursena, Kage, Clarissa. This team work not so bad against G / T / V.
My troop mana in dark are 2x11 and 1x25, 1x5, 1x1.

I want to use a second dark / yellow team in GDA with:
Rigard / Sif / ??? / Guenievre / Sartana

I have the choice between:

  1. Mystero
  2. 2nd Ursena
  3. Domitia Costume
  4. 2nd Kageburano
    I think the reasonnable choice would be Domitia Costume, but between Sif and Guenievre maybe Mystero can work well.
    Except maybe for Domitia, i don’t have any emblem to put on theses dark.

Costume dome for sure she’s awesome and versatile since you can switch between the two versions.

Mystero is a niche hero for people who don’t know what to do with their extra tabard and you will probably be disappointed by him.

I’d costume Dom too. The ??? in that team should be that monster Ursena. Sif next to her is so devastating. Great team!

Domitia Costume definitely. That shot of her hurts a lot and then she inflicts quite potent poison. Myztero is a gimmick that needs a team built around him, and he is borderline useless on defense.

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