Damage Calculation

Had been doing some tests to see whether Guin ( at +14 or +17) can survive a 3 tile match of purple mono around 4500 cummulative attack.
Frankly with the random parameter in the damage formula any planning is pointless( not to mention crit hits in strong colour )

As I didn’t see above whether was confirmed - there is a critical on top of the strong colour - you can see picture - 3 tile match - 2 strong and 1 crit tile.

Data :
The mono purple used is 4425 attack after troops
Guin is 907 defense after troops + 20% bonus for defense = 1088 defense. It seems for every tile the random parameter is different.

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Is the defender 20% attack/defense bonuses applied after the card stat multiplied by troop bonus?

I just faced Sartana (no emblem) with attack stat (card) = 694 and her troop give bonus 14% attack.

Her card DoT is 294. While her real DoT is 402.

If defender attack bonus is stacked with troops, it will be +34%:
294 × 1.34 = 393 (incorrect)

If defender attack bonus is applied after the attack in card is multiplied by troop bonus, then:
Attack after troop = 694 × 1.14 = 791 (this was the attack that was shown when I click her during raid)
Attack after defender bonus = 791 × 1.2 = 949
DoT = 294 × (949/791) = 402 (correct)

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@yelnats_24 Funnily enough, attack value doesn’t show hidden attack bonus, but DoT value does, so:

294 * 1.14 * 1.20 =~ 402


Still one of the best threads on the forum

Wish we’d see more like these again…


How does Brienne’s costume work? It says that the enemy’s armor is decreased by 4% per hit. So does that mean every consecutive tile that hits the enemy is slightly stronger.

So for example, when you fire 3 straight tiles at the enemy, will each tile be slightly stronger than the previous? So does that make each tile independent of each other?

Yup, precisely :slight_smile:

Thank you for the answer.

Have you considered the possibility of θ being bounded by golden ratios?

2 / (1 + 5^0.5) ≈ 0.618
(1 + 5^0.5) / 2 ≈ 1.618

It would fit the data tighter (if it fits), and is probably what a dev would use if he was a big golden ratio fan like me. Otherwise, your exp(-0.5) & exp(0.5) is probably what most “normal” people would use. :smile:

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Hello, freaks of the maths ^_~. I need to know SHOT damage from KAGE to GUIN with buffs from Rigard 48%.

Here we go:
Kage’s attack stats with emblems =893 +196 troops bonus(22% on my troops)=1089 +522 buff bonus 48% = 1611 total attack 1611x450%=7249

Guin’s defense stats 891 +160(18% troops bonus) =1051

formula iiiiis: (100x(1611x450%/1051)^1.35)x2=2711

hmmm. lolwut? where is failure of my ingenious mathematical calculations? or is that right and Kage can shot two body wide Guin?))))

Ok so lets maths it out; I’ll assume that [Theta] = exp(0) for simplicity


Not anytime soon.
The current model is pretty good.
Pokémon also uses a similar damage calculation algorithm too.

I think Kage would hit about 11% harder after being boosted by costumed Rigard:
(450+48)/450 is about 1.11

Why doesn’t Brianne’s special stack with Tiburtus for the defense down or Hawkmoon’s costume for the attack up?

I started an alt to run an experiment and it irks me that these specials overwrite each other.

Normal brienne will stack with Tiburtus. Costume Brienne will not.

Similarly Costume Hawkmoon will over-write Brienne special.

Reason is best explained in this thread:

Essentially, same status effects will over-write each other unless the existing one is “Undispellable” and in that case, the second one will be ignored.


cheers, man. i would use that formula next time, everithing is clear in it now :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t [snipe %] go inside the power of 1.35, as stated in post #13 in this topic?

As I see that, calculations should be like that:

CodeCogsEqn (3)
4.5 - kage special
1.2 - giun is controlled by AI
From that, resulting damage should be 1060. Pretty good, but not enough to one-shot guin.

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Maybe you already have. But is there a way to.dumb this down a bit. None of this is making sense to me

I’m terrible with numbers. So please correct me if I’m wrong: When I want to do the highest possible tile damage (without any bonuses, effects etc.), I should choose those heroes with the highest attack number (the one with the sword) for my team? Example: Ameonna (771) over Sartana (697)?

Yes. Attack stat goes into Calculation. For tiles attack stats of all heroes in the color is added up.

For Special only the attack stat of the firing hero counts.

Troops, defence Bonus and any (de)Buff is calculated for each Hero individually before adding.

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If you don’t mind, can you please check some quick math for me? I’d like to get an idea what amount of damage to expect from each hero I have.

So as a quick test, I calculated how much actual damage Marjana, Joon, costumed Joon, and Malosi would deal to a base hero with 1000 defense stat, and no attack or defense modifiers, assuming Theta=1.

I had the following results:

Marjana (669 attack, 458% special) = 266 damage
Joon (749 attack, 468% special) = 316 damage
Costume Joon (782 attack, 488% special) = 350 damage
Malosi (743 attack, 300% special) = 200 damage

Do they look correct to you?