Please, could someone list the essential informations about this? What a recruiting Alliance would like to know to consider me?
You could start with your roster, team power, level, activity on Wars and Titan.
For example,
Our alliance requirements are: currently blue tank with red flanks, if you don’t have 2 strong reds, we encourage you to use your strongest matched with a blue tank and 1 red flank.
FYI, we currently have 2 spots open
of maxed 5*
- War def TP and what tanks you have available in each element
- what * titans you are comfortable fighting
- What level of commitment you are looking to take on.
also…Helios is recruiting is you are looking!
Activity level, Defense Team power, and your game level.
If your looking for a mid level group of active and chatty players that take the alliance interaction more seriously than the game, check us out at “Strange Circles”
Thanx for the informations; and do you think I could post here my data?
for example, here is what I recently posted in the helios recruiting thread:
You made me look at our Alliance rank !
Tongue in cheek requirements for us.
Top 4,000 alliance
4,000 raid defence
10-11 star titans
2000 trophies or not
30 heroes for war/ don’t have to be good
18+ yrs old , preferably closer to 50 yrs
Must be able to complain about body aches and pains as well as bad boards
Must have a durable phone able to withstand hard hits against walls.
Titan participation required unless you sleep in or your spouse is angry about your game time.
Sense of humor, sometimes raunchy, required.
edit: inability to use the forum text properly
This is my War/Raid Def
Lvl 71
Cups: 2700/2900 average range
Maxed 5*: 33 (deep 3*/4* roster…and tooooo many 3.70 5* )
Titans’ Best: 142K on a 11* Onyx Dragon
45 years old
To be honest, you look like you would be a great fit for Helios.
If you want to give us a shot, feel free to come on over!
Let me know if you are interested. we have a few people coming and going. just need a heads up for timing.
Hello Yayo. You may want to include what you are looking for in a team. I think any team would be happy to have you but what are you looking for? Good luck finding your new home!
20 brag
Yayo I would love to chat with you. Do you use the Line chat app?
I’m looking for improvement: about game-knowledge, game-playing, game-tactics, game-rewarding…I’m looking for something to learn, always; and yes @JimP, I’m proud of the work I’ve done since December 2018 with my roster…is it bragging?! Simply I don’t care.
Yeah, my friend…I use it
Yayo, I think you might enjoy our team. Would you like to send me a message on Line? My ID is timber21010. We can talk more about what my team has to offer.
Hey Yayo! In Crew-Squires Wardogz we have all these that you mentioned. We like the progress and we have people who always searching about new ideas. At the moment we have only 1 spot open. If you need any further information line us at lagunz or kloster31 or just check our recruitment post in forum.
You are also welcome to message me on line if you have any questions about the game. I help many players who are not my teammates. It is always fun to make a new friend. I wish you the best of luck finding a team that is just the right fit for you
Ehm, I’ve done it…maybe not to the right Timber?!
That is very weird, I did not receive your request. But I did a search and I found you. I will message you now.