Croatian Empires Army but also english speaking

Okay here we go :slight_smile: I am in a Croatian Alliance and we also speak german and english there. Yes mainly croatian but we also have an American guy there. I am here because we need 9 more people and help with Titans. War is just an option, but would be cool as well. We prefer and would love people who are looking for a forever Home. We are daily players but Chat is not a requirement. So if you are a quiet person well may it be. Everybody is welcome and only 400 cups needed. Invite only! Because many people from other alliances are poaching around and try to steal members. Would be great if you are in the European time zone and if not the most important thing is that you hit the Titan in time and also War. At first I was about to leave the Alliance but after growing together and also becoming friends and talked about the issues I found my forever home.

Now who is really interested hit me up at:

Line: lilibunny333
Telegram: @Lilideluxe
Discord: Lilibunny #8199
or write me a message in FB look me up at sanjivo.srce (means dreamy heart :slight_smile:)

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