Let’s give them the opportunity to get full and grow!
Is this also the same group as Rogues Gallery?
Nope they are different alliances. Crew-Rogues belong to the Crew family.
If you are interested to join individually or thinking about a small merge pm bzzldy on line.
Happy new year, rogues!
Crew-Rogues are searching for 10 new friends to fill and progress together. Send a message @Bzzinator if you are interested to join individually or with a small incoming merge. In line app message at bzzldy for further information and discussion.
Still searching here for individuals or a small group that would like to merge with them. Pm in line id : bzzldy
Still searching here! @Bzzinator still waiting!
@moderators @PlayForFun We let our other recruitment link expire. Can you unlock it, pretty please?
Thank you.
I have reopened that topic.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Crew-Rogues are still searching for a small merge or seperate players to fill their roster. 10 spots available to a great core where people can learn and play in a great atmosphere. Send message on line at bzzldy to join them.
Still searching here to fill them.
If you are a very small alliance around 11 members who want to have the experience of a full active alliance or a player who would like to join an active but serious alliance and learn more about the game, don’t miss that chance and join them today. For further information ask bzzldy on line.
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