šŸ° Costumed Killhare ā€“ 5* Dark/Purple from Springvale

Fiend summoner add depth to ur roster

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They did their costumes so dirty. Her talent is not as horrendous as c Lepus, but she will be missing an attack multiplier (she goes healing +2% path :roll_eyes:) and a defence node

Wouldnā€™t having the 3 Easter legendary heros at least keep those 3 at their base stats because they get +20% atk ive got lepus (without costume) and killhare + costume at 85 roostley is at 3.70 waiting on 1 last dart but i imagine thats kinda the devs thinking at least those 3 wont loose any atk just a boosted atk stat?

The +20% att family bonus is given at the start but CKillhare -20% att is taken during game so it will still be a net -def. I have all 3 heroes and after firing CKillhare, my Easter heroes had about -50 points defense.

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Small giant math is so wrong lol. 20 minus 20 is 0. Must be more than just -20%. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s more like +20%-20.05%=-0.05% which would be like -50 points or something. I donā€™t think the percentages shown are exact if it doesnā€™t balance out.

I think itā€™s because the +20% is off the original amount so if attack was 1k that would now be 1.2k. But then the -20% is off the increased amount (1.2k) so for example that would take it down to 960 which is 40 below the original attack stat.


Itā€™s a bug and was recognized already last year, although Sg never officially announced it or solved it.

The 20% - is from the base attack + family bonus.
Everything that is positive (for example rigard c) is taken from the base damage without family bonus.

In this thread the example is with roostley, but itā€™s exactly the same problem with killhare c

Costume killhare shouldnā€™t subtract any defense though?

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From what ive seen they do keep a certain amount of attack ill know better when i try a faem with all 3 but look at the atk reduction difference between magni who has less atk but has more taken off and lepus who has more atk but less taken offā€¦ if the family bonus wasnt working hed have more taken then magni.

The math works out that lepus atk only has 10% taken off so -20% from killhare costume special +10% from family bonus

Edit: with all 3 lepus only lost 43 atkā€¦ so a negligible amount but curious that he lost anyā€¦ maybe the base troop atk? But regardless the 3 on the same team basically wont loose any serious amount of atkā€¦ how he lost any is odd but its definitely not 20% or even 10% :person_shrugging:

Its multiplication
1185(base attack) * 1,1(10% family bonus so his attack is at 110% of base stat) * 0,8(after Killhare debuff, attack stat will be reduced to 80% of base attack + family bonus because family bonus canā€™t be overwriten/removed)

1185 * 1,1 * 0,8 = 1042,8

Game round it to put you in worse situation so its 1042

1185 - 143 = 1042

As far as I know it work like that and I hope that my explanation is clear enough.

And Emilio at VFast will be a great line up

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True but I dont have him. Hereā€™s my Killhare LB, went with att/def path in costume.


Which version is the way to go for emblems?

It works out that you can do attack path for both which is what I did. If you go you do it that way health and def are pretty much mixed on both although youā€™ll have to take a healing/health in the middle instead of healthx/defense on the original. I also took the crit on 19 instead of mana on the original to give an extra def node to the costume, I have enough mana troops that I donā€™t need the +2 mana.


Which version do you like better? I have not tried the costume version yet

Iā€™m not really sure, I havenā€™t had a chance to play with her much yet.

I went Fighter version that revive is too good to give up. Havenā€™t noticed much difference it terms of damage between the 2.

The attack down might be a little better than def down. But fighter class is better than druid.

After spending time with both versions Limit broken and max emblemed attack paths I can definitively say that costume Killhare is better in both offence and defence, in terms of survivability and damage that she can put out. Especially if you pair her with another hero like Jack Oā€™hare to get that extra 10% damage. The fighters revive is not dependable and the defence down is a detriment to your team. The Druid version is sturdier, sheā€™ll stay alive while able to do more damage at the same time and the big minion she can spawn is a nice added layer of protection. Druid has a nicer cleaner emblem tree where youā€™re able to take all attack and defence all the way down, where the cherry on the top is at the bottom with the 4% mana node.


I am currently working on Killhare C. and plan to put emblem on her and LB as well. Could you please let me know her final status?



Regular version has higher base attack but the 330% on her costume makes the damage surpass normal Killhareā€™s even with the slightly lower attack power.

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