Costume Yunan

I don’t see much posted about Yunan since his costume came out so I wanted to create this thread to get thoughts. I luckily pulled Yunan’s costume in the last event.
I don’t have much in heroes ready to ascend for green. Right now I have Telly, C. Elkanen x2, Horghall, Liana and Garjamal fully ascended. The only other option would be regular Kaidilen and I have 12 tonics.
I could use some help for rush attack for alliance war and we use green tanks. His mana boost along with his cleanse combined with C. Viv is intriguing. Thoughts?

I don’t have Tell, but I have a maxed C. Yunan. Questions: How many emblems for C. Yunan? What is your highest green mana troop?

Yunan, with or without costume, is just darn slow. He will only excel in Rush wars and tourneys, especially if the latter excludes reds. I also got him and his costume for the first time last event (I was hoping for Devana or Rana’s costume). I still haven’t leveled him yet. I am interested on anyone maxing him and successfully using him in raids and wars.

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I have maxed my C-Yunan, but I don’t use him on my defence for very fast wars. I use Alby instead (on left wing).

I tried out C-Yunan +9 as a tank (with mana 29 troop) for non very fast war (maybe just one time, couldn’t be more than twice IIRC). I was underwhelmed, and switched changed my tank to Kadi +19, no costume.

In case he could be better at higher emblems, here is my C-Yunan (def>HP path).

On a positive note, I have enjoyed using Alby + C-Yunan together on the map, due to “double mana generation”. I note the OP doesn’t have Alby though. :sweat_smile:

Note: I have no regret maxing C-Yunan. I am long term vc2p, and have mats stockpile though. :sweat_smile:

@Tidyup This thread may interest you.


Okay, I 'm actually quite bitter that I didn’t get him. I can now only imagine how great he is. The only hope of me getting him now is through ha10 when the stars and moon align

He can be quite tricky to handle if you don’t take him seriously. And that’s without his costume. Was it you that I mentioned he was like an attacking version of Ariel? 33% mana gen is nothing to scoff at and he can pretty much give superior support to the flanks even when he’s dead.

I’m sorry @Tidyup. :frowning:

I was hoping my post could show that C-Yunan seems underwhelming as a tank for war defence outside very fast wars. Thus I may reconsider feeling negatively for not getting him.

I hope you can get someone better than C-Yunan soon. :pray::pray:

I hated when a hero is judged because of his speed. Then why was Heimdall a tank when he was new despite him being slow? Yunan used to be a really good tank despite him being slow, when the meta wasn’t filled with nonsense buffs and it’s against straight forward beatdown teams. Sure he isn’t good as war tank because he absolutely cannot sustain battles by himself, but regular raids he was a force to be reckoned with.
I’m looking at him in the perspective of an attacking hero as well. He gets significantly better as the match progresses, this is something you won’t get from regular yunan. To be able to support the speed of his teammates and cleanse all, he is no longer independent but interdependent


I could lack the “right” heroes to help C-Yunan shine for me.

My maxed 5* greens are 3x Lianna (no costume), Kadi +19 (no costume), Alby +14, and C-Yunan +9. Besides Alby and C-Yunan, I have no other non-S1 5* greens options.

Unfortunate that you don’t have elradir who can help support your Yunan better. The closest speed support you have is Alberich.
Anyways, all I’m trying to say is yunan works better in longer battles as compared to shorter ones

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I maxed him, because it’d be nice to have something other than fast snipers for rush format. Same reason why everyone in my alliance kept their cleric and druid emblems on MoNo and Alby despite them being rarely if ever used outside of rush.

I haven’t yet had any chance to test him out either offensively or defensively (no emblem… yet, need to reset and shuffle), but my gut tells me he will an absolute force to be reckoned with in rush. Basically a green Odin with full team cleanse + sand DoT.

Btw I wouldn’t draw any conclusions based on war results, there are just too many variables at play to say anything conclusive. A much better test be to use as your raid tank and see how he performs.

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So I have wanted Yunan since I first saw him at start of playing the game. His costume is even better ( my free pulls from collected EHTs got me arman nd nothing else).

In OPs situation of alliance using green tanks I think he is a great addition. I believe he is still one of the best green tanks in the game. Off top of my head outside of Telly, Heimdall, Costume Kadilen and Lady of the Lake there aren’t many better options. And Heimdall and LotL are slow too so can ignore that part. Sure if you play mono you can have time to fire a 3/4 tile line into him and wipe him out, but he will punish a bad board if you let him go off.

The costume mana boost makes him even more impressive for offence. Pair him with some other slower heroes and keep them all going. I know most fights I get my seshat to go off 2/3 times and that is without top level troops so getting required tile number for Yunan with right support around him shouldn’t be a problem.

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I also got lucky and pulled him on this Sand Empire. I maxed him and emblemed to +19 at once, since he is my another wet dream from the early days of playing. I played with him in regular raids just few times, since I don’t play with greens much. He is slow, right, but only for the first time. With this 33% mana buff other heroes charge like crazy. My costumed Khagan charged after 4 ghosted tiles. He cooperates very well with Elradir, because of the passive mana gain. Two turns, and bang! Beachboy is ready.

I haven’t fought him on defense, but I believe the sand damage should be over 200 per turn, since on attack with 20 lvl mana troop and attack route is 165. It would hurt. I had him on defense on last rush, and I will try his regular form on the next one. I think that maybe undispellable healing ailment will be more punishing than dispellable mana boost. If I had some taunter, then the boost will be no brainer, but unfortunately, nada.

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I think that your mention of Seshat could be an auto-correct error?

Lol It’s early morning, I don’t make sense before at least 2 cups of tea. The seshat reference was due to discussion about speed, but I probably could’ve explained myself better. If can fire a fast hero 2 or 3 times (sometimes more) firing a slow hero shouldn’t be an issue.

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Oh absolutely, superior mana gen on rush. He’s basically a green alfrike on that format

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Interesting too.

Can you please let us know how it goes using Yunan with CB form? And which position you used?

It’s not me.

Fact is, I didn’t plan to use my hoarded EHTs until the last day of the SandEmpire as I was wanting to have Devana. Out of the 16 EHTs used, dupe Quintus and Yunan with costume landed instead (how I wish it was Rana and her costume). I have over 20 tonics, with Yunan as the new contender for the ascension materials, battling it out with Elradir, Jade, Guardian Chameleon, Zocc, Atomos, 2nd Evelyn, and Lady Locke for them. It would have been an easy choice if Frigg or Kadilen’s costume or Francine or other new better and faster greens in my roster vying for the tonics.

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I ascended him, due to a lack of green depth overall and specifically for rush wars/tourneys. I have him at +11 now and have used him in offensive raids quite a bit. He is on my war def for tomorrows rush war.

On offense, I like him a lot. I usually play 3-2 with a green trio of francine, almur and then either atomos or elkanen depending on whether it’s against a double/reverse double defense or not. Since I can mana break all the other heroes, playing c yunan sacrifices speed - the others are all charged within 3 matches and he isn’t - but in my view is compensated for by his other cool effects. For the mana boost the crucial number is 34% - this is the boost that fast heroes need to double mana break (charge in 6 tiles) and slow heroes to triple break (charge in 9). So c yunan’s 33% boost is almost enough on its own to get you there - literally any subsequent boost will do it, including yunans costume bonus. If you are mid way through a battle and your fast heroes can now charge in a single ghosted match that is a huge help. For this reason, I try to pair him with fast heroes and probably look to be more defensive in the off colour to make sure everyone survives. In addition, his dot is pretty good - 480 to all with a high mana troop and cleanse is always useful. And I like his animation too.

I can let you know how he does on war defense - we play purple tanks so he is going to flank bera with c marjana (limit broken - yay!) on the other side. Haven’t decided which blue and yellow heroes to go with - probably glenda/miki and uraeus/gullinbursti.

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This is my Defence at moment and I won 10 out of 17 games.

That makes me smile.

Edit: For me I can say Yunan is worth leveling up and put him in focus as tank.