First of all, thank all for resolve my doubts and sorry for my level of English.
I know that it is a bit strange to ask this at this point but for a question with a partner of the alliance we want to know what the colors of the damages reflected in the game mean.
I think it is:
White damage numbers = weak or no hero damage
Yellow = Regular damage
Red = Strong damage (I.e Red vs Green)
Cyan = Critical damage.
But he told me that yellow is critical case in other games it is… and I don’t think so.
BTW, there are things that are still not understood, for example in Titans when he hits you with slash and it should be weak it always appears in red, or when a neutral color in raid hits you with his ability or slash its always red.
Redy Orange = Damage (either from slashes, Minions, skills etc… There is no “elemental strong or weak” colours)
Green = Healing
Teal = Crit Damage
Light Blue = Over-Heal (i.e. from a Health Boost Hero like Gullinbursti or Heimdall)