Christmas quest - 24 (need some help)

hey guys, merry Christmas!!
I passed all the stages of Christmas quest with this team:

As you can see, it’s not a very powerful one but Proteus makes a huge difference once I reach the bosses. Off course for the final round I have to feed him with mana potions constantly and don’t give the chance for the boss burst his specials on me.
So far so good, but now I am at level 24…and it is getting really hard! I played it three times already with no luck. All times I manage to kill one of the side bosses and the other two are left with 1500hp combined. I run out of mana potions and healing as well.
There are 9 days left and I have time to level up only one hero. Should that be Richard or someone else? My other options are: Rigard, Colen, Caedmon, Tibutrus, Cyprian. And if you think that it should be one of them, then which one should I take out?
I am thinking of dropping Guradian Jackal and even though he is an excellent hero, he is the least cooperative with the others.
Thanks for your patience with my English…:sweat_smile:


so how far did you end up getting in legendary? Did you finish?

thanks but I don’t have these items

I am on level 24 but can’t finish it

read the topic. you will find how other did it. videos. etc