Beat Santa's challenge with all 4*

I saw a post last week wondering if it’s possible to run a 4* team to finish this. And boy oh boy was it a breeze running this team for the final stage.

I made sure to have full specials when entering the bosses stage. Then never letting them fire their specials using proteus. And constantly keeping their attack and defense down. Then went HAM using wu kong’s special and tile damage for mother north and buddy. And then just coasted using pots to kill santa. It took like 2min to kill santa and 1min to kill mother north and buddy together.

Proteus and wu kong IMO were the MVP’s of this challenge.


I should add that None of them have emblems. All are 4/70 only.


Well done!

I beat Springvale with 3,2 k and a very healer heavy team, since that I think almost nothing is impossible. But I still struggle on the last levels of events and challenges on my alt with 3,1 k, will try this event, too :slight_smile: Proteus is a huge help then I think.


I think the flat damage helps too instead of % cuz these bosses have really high defenses.

Thank you, very valuable for my alliance members… :+1:
Is there any video?

Edit: found it, here…

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I also used Proteus special when arrived to the last level, when it wore off used some mana pots and that was it, in the process the tiles did the job, no Wu Kong needed, just some reds…

Because Santa event does not have rarity restriction on battle items like challenge event, anyone that has access to Harpoons can beat final stage easily.

5 bombs, 5 axes, 5 dragons, 2 harpoon to MN, 2 harpoon to Santa, 1 harpoon to Buddy. Only person left standing would be Buddy with 87hp, who would die off from the burn damage left from the dragon.

So it is conceivably possible that the boss can be finished with all 3* heroes. Just need to get through the mobs without battle items. Maybe use a team of five Hawkmoons, or any other mix of all healers?