Can somebody help me please with my Green Titan team

My brother has recently had enough with his E&P account and I’m taking it over, but still learning the ropes. Can somebody tell me if this will give me good enough scores please. I do have other heroes as well if needed. I am having to go through each titan team because the score I’m getting are not that great. Thanks


Use 5.5,4 star troops full upgrade use 1.4.5 red star healing full upgrade and 4.4,5 star full upgrade red hero use

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Try Gardian falcon, Boldtusk (without costume), marjana costume, gormek (without costume), and Gestalt. Not necessarly in that order…

Actually, you’ll have to put : 1 hero to buff attack, 1 hero to lower defense, 1 hero with big attack stats, 1 hero to buff elemental attack, 1 hero to lower elemental defense.


Line them up from left to right in the order you want to use them. Simplifies things.

Increased damage (Tarlak/Buster), Elemental Defense Down (Falcon), regular defence down (Wilbur), Attack Up (Boldtusk) and then a big hitter (whichever red hits the hardest).

Something like that. You can play around with line-ups but look for those kind of skills from your team.


Tarlak and buster do different things, i would use both. Maybe cwilbur instead of tarlak. And i prefer c2colen over falcon. Boots is also good for def down, but a little fragile.


Formula for titans is:

General def down: Sun ShangXiang is best from what you have there as her def down starts at -44% and increases with each hit for 3 turns. Wilbur would be next best as he gives -44% off the bat plus you get a def buff too.
Gestalt would be 3rd choice as he only gives -34% the first time he fires. The second time you’ll get -44% but he does have the better attack stat.

Elemental Def Down: C.Marjana is your first choice here with -54% EDD at fast mana speed. Khufu is also useful as he starts at -41% and increases with each hit for 4 turns. Which one you would use will depend on how much you want to use battle items. Marjana will cost you less battle items due to her speed but Khufu could end up giving a better def down over time but he’ll fire less without items.
Colen and Falcon should be 3rd and 4th choice with -54% EDD each. Colen is slow, falcon is fast but Colen’s EDD will last longer

Damage Increase: Buster is the only choice here

Tile enhance: You don’t seem to have one of these so we’ll skip this and replace it with:
Attack Buff: From what you have ready to go I think C2 Boldtusk is your guy with +45% attack. This will stack with your attack Booster. 20% increase every time you are hit but against a titan this won’t come into play too much

Attack Boost: Tarlak can slot in here but you might wanna level C.Wilbur if you wanna go mono or for when you’re up against a rare green. Will also give you options for the Mythic Titan.

In Summary, from what you have finished at the moment I would go with the following team against a green titan:
Buster (For Damage Increase), Sun Shangxiang (For Def Down), C. Marjana (For Elemental Def Down), C Boldtusk (for Attack Buff), Tarlak (For Attack Boost).
If it’s a rare green you’ll want to swap out Tarlak

Extra advice: Get c.Wilbur finished

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


Have a brouse this topic .:green_heart::+1:


Put marjana in there

You are getting a lot of good advice but PLEASE keep Buster in your line up. I had a decent line up and when he was added to total damage went up 40-60%. He’s that good!


Just a thought, Who else do you have? Franz would be a better choice than Buster Even if he is green. Eros would also be a good choice. Gastille could replace both buster and Tarlak.

Also do you have Miki? Mono is not always the best way to go…

Just one gamer’opinin

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


Im not familiar with most of those newer heros myself, as listed above read the titan guide.
In general you should do: Normal attack up / critical hit up (tarlack?). Then Attack up (c2 boldtusk?) (which stacks on Normal attack up), Elemental Def down (falcon, c marijana, khufu), and (Gestalt for extra def down cube) just having high Attack stat or Tile Damage up (buster?)
Just use trial and error and see what works for you

Just replace Tarlak with Shar’khai if you have him. The team you have is enough to get an amazing score.

Thank you very much for all your help

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This team is…
Perfect I would say!
No ideas how to change it, it’s just good as it is!

Agree with @Maciurella, you already got the best team possible right now.

  1. Max Wilbur costume and then replace Tarlak, for a serious upgrade.
  2. An option would be to use CMarj instead of Khufu, if you plan only playing without items. The speed and higher starting EDD is better in that case.
  3. Use items if you want to increase your damage, even cheap ones can help. Bear banner for attack boost, small mana to charge a hero that just didn´t fill up. If surviving is a problem, Arrows blind the titan and Turtle banners can increase your def. More expensive items (Tornadoes etc) will increase your damage more.

Khufu’s EDD is better than MJ for one important part:

So 4 tiles= Khufu’s one is higher, and after each tile it’ll become highest and highest up to 65%!, which is way better than MJ one and stands for 1 turn longer.
Mana speed don’t change anything, because often you fire EDD immediately using a mana pot/hurricane, so basically all of 'em have the same mana speed, so Khufu wins
Game Well :art:


that´s exactly what I said, if you don´t use items speed does matter and Marj is probably better, if you do use items Khufu is best. Although I can´t say why anyone would use Hurricanes and Mana Pots on a regular old boring titan lol :smiley:
Maybe a Tornado a day to keep the doctor away… Other than that I stick to my arrows and bear banners :smiley:

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Would you mind if I showed you my other teams for help? Basically the same as what you have done for my red team.

Sure. The methodolgy is the same but happy to take a look and let you know what I would do.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

Thank you, I’ll take a few photos of my blue heroes I have. If you don’t mind, I’ll do one team at the time.