Better tank: Azlar or Onatel?

I would really like to run this defense once they’re fully leveled. Anchor’s sheet sez Azlar is a gnarly tank, but I’ve been told Onatel is a solid tank in her own right.

What is the best order of these 5 heroes for DEFENSE?

My opinion. Mother - sartana- Onatel- Joon- Azlar. Azlar is too squishy to be tank.


Nice team but you’ve got a long way to go to level all of those heroes to max. In the meantime, I would move Sartana to center, flank her with Onatel and Joon, put Mother on left and Azlar on right.


My current Defense team

I’d consider switching Mother North and Sabina’s spots :slight_smile:.

To get full effect on resurrect you want lotsa heroes dead before it fires, plus you get the chance of Mother resurrecting them, and Sabina healing them because of firing order.


Onatel. She is hard to be taken down
U can flank azlar beside onatel. Onatel will delay enemies mana build up, thus give chance for azlar to charge


Is that how that works? I thought firing order resets when heroes revive.

It works the same way when they get cleansed from silence; e.g. if Rigard fires, then the ally’s to his left who were silenced and are charged, will fire after silence is removed. Does it not work that way when they get revived?

edit: regardless, yeah Mother North belongs in the corner.

I think we’re saying the same thing, aren’t we? That they always fire from left to right? So MN 1st, Sabina 2nd if MN is left of Sabina?

He currently had Sabina left of MN, which would make Sabina fire first (potentially only healing MN if the right three allies are dead) rather than MN, who could maybe bring back on of the three dead allies to the right (if she was in the left corner), then Sabina heals any of those three that came back?

I wasn’t so much worrying about MN resurrecting Sabina as MN resurrecting everyone else. (Though if she resurrects Sabina who then fires her healing, that’s great too!)

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left to right? On a Def team?

Yeah it is always left to right, but I thought that if you put MN at the top right wing (instead of left) and she revived the others with full mana bars, the AI still fires their special skills after they’ve revived. That’s what I meant… I think it works that way, but I’m not sure :stuck_out_tongue:

Gotcha. I’m with you now. It def works that way. In titan fights if someone gets snuffed while their card is glowing, ready to fire, Ma brings em back and the fire off right after being revived.

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Oh! Definitely, but I still wouldn’t put MN at far right if he’s using Sabina, because what if Sabina and MN are both alive and charged? Sabina will fire first if MN is far right and he’ll miss the heal on everyone MN resurrects. I think that’s usually why you’ll usually see Alby or MN in the left corner??

It doesn’t matter as much if he isn’t using a second healer, though!


Hello again, gang! It’s been a few months and I wanted to check back in with my would be 5* defense…
Azlar is taking his sweet time, emblems are being applied and after Shilo Desert, Onatel needs just 2 more darts! Uhg!
So… who goes where? Holy troops swapped?
Lemmie hear it gang!

@RudoDewbie, I know this is a way old post, but are you still considering/using Onatel and/or Azlar at tank? I have them both at 4^70-something, and I’ve not been especially pleased with my defense’s performance yet. Like you, I’ve seen the Anchor guide with Azlar rated as an A grade tank, but he seems far too squishy for that, although his special is obviously thermonuclear. I :heart: Onatel, and she has the stats for a tank, but her special, while it can really screw things up for an opponent, ceases effect when she dies, which as a tank, she is likely to do sooner rather than later. In short, both kinda seem better suited as flanks.

My other tank options are Boril +6 (current tank) and Thorne 4^80. Nobody else is really in contention, although I had considered Domitia +8 (all attack), since I could flank her with Poseidon +2 and Onatel for some decent color synergy.

Just thought I’d see what your experience was like.

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This is my current Defensive team. Since switching to this configuration I have been promoted to Diamond PASSIVELY 3 times. For all emblems here I went Health/Def paths. Yes Az is sturdier now but Onatel is a… well, TANK! Her health link with Joon is nice and of corpse I’m fortunate enough to have Ma North in the background as well. But yes, I am very happy with Onatel as my main Tank.


I used to tank Azlar since I believe a tank should severely punish you for not killing it, but have since switched to Frida and moved Azlar to flank. Current D is Hel +9 - Azlar +10 - Frida +7 - QoH +6 - Seshat +3 left to right. I would post a pretty picture like @RudoDewbie but I am far too lazy and not nearly smart enough.

Agree though that Azlar seems to work best as flank if you have a strong enough tank.


Thanks, @RudoDewbie and @Czernobog. My current defense team is Domitia +9 - Boldtusk +17 - Boril +6 - Azlar 4^75 - Poseidon +2. I thought the blue tank and riposte cover would help Azlar’s survivability, but so far, I haven’t been too impressed. Before that, I was running Melendor +20 - Boldtusk +17 - Thorne 4^80 - Domitia +8 - Poseidon +2, but that didn’t work terribly well, either. I like Onatel at tank, especially since she has a few emblems waiting for her, but how to mix an Onatel tank with a Poseidon sniper - that’s my dilemma. Eventually, I can run somebody, maybe Vivica - Sartana - Onatel - Domitia - Poseidon, which I think will work OK, but Sartana is just 2^30-something right now, and I’m short on tabards.


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I think that’s a really nicely designed defense team. You have 3 heroes that I normally try to kill ASAP (MN, Onatel, and Azlar) and it’s hard for someone to take them all out before they fire. 2 slow heroes but a good time-killing tank in Onatel to give them a shot at charging, and a couple hard hitting fast snipers on top of it all.

The only real weakness I see is to heroes like Rigard or especially Grazul, who I would def take against you. But it’s impossible to make a defense with no weaknesses these days.

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For sure. Definitely the best two heroes on my (F2P) roster and it isn’t even close. I’m saving all my EHTs for Christmas, so maybe I could pull a MN and nearly replicate your defense. (A F2P can dream, right? :smile:) Lacking a legendary green is really getting frustrating.

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