I’ve upgraded roster size until it hit 100 gems. I have a few 4*'s like Brynhild, Holly x2, Boldtusk, Hu Tao, Danzaburo. 3*s like Aqeela, Bane, Gan Ju, Carver, Dawa, Gunnar, Valen. I’m really tempted to do a 10 pull from Gargoyle Event. Some have told me to spend them on a summons that offer no chance of Season 1 heroes. But idk when or what ones those are and I’m getting impatient lol. Any advice?
Challenge Festival 1 and 2, Summer Solstice and Black Friday
What @sleepyhead said, CF1/CF2 owing to the higher chance to get epic heroes - 25% from memory - (and higher pull rates in general I think) AND the fact that there are no S1 heroes in those portals
For your help it’s fixed date is 26-30 January
Hope you’ll get something new
The other option is costume festival. The heroes are all S1 but with costumes, some of which are very strong. If you use duplicates, this can give you multiple strong heroes because one costume can be used to create as many versions of the costume hero as you want as long as you have dups of the S1 hero.
I suppose I can wait til the end of the month :). I’ll
work on my 3 stars for now. Thanks for the replies, it is much appreciated!
Oh wow. Didn’t know that about costumes! Im almost lvl 18 so ill be able to access the costume summons on the next one
Your goals at this point are to learn about the game and have fun with it. There’s actually very little you could do at this point that you would look back on a year from now and say that you did it wrong. Save your Hero Tokens for seasonal events. Save your troop tokens for tower events. Most players radically underestimate the importance of troops. Hero’s are too shiny. You need to find a balance there.
The portals that have been recommended are all good. I like the Costume one over the others, but up to you. A ten-pull out of the troop portal when a tower is active is probably a better use of your gems though.
I´m looking forward to the Challange Festival this month myself at least, best of luck to you!
I was lucky enough to pull one 4* mana troop already, but will definitely save my future tokens for Tower. A lot of helpful people in this community