Best emblem route for Tarlak and Wolfgang?

Hi everyone

Can somebody tell me please which would be the best emblem route for Tarlak and Wolfgang. Many thanks.

DEF>HP>ATT for both, they need to stay alive to do their magic.

I don’t have tarlak but I can comment on Wolfgang. He’s a hero I am just not in love with to be honest. I went full attack and I wouldn’t have done it any different. He just doesn’t hit as hard as I’d like. So had I chose some defensive nodes, he would have felt neutered. I also felt that his 50% reduction in received damage would help him stay alive along with his class. I wish he hit harder, but I couldn’t see taking another path and keeping him viable.

EDIT: That said, if you want his overheal to be priority, then def/hp would be a better path.

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What you do with his emblems, has everything to do with how you plan to use him. He can be made into a hero that is a tough out. He could sub as a tank in a pinch but seems much better suited as support.

It you plan to use him as wing on defense and also use him for offense raids, apply emblems more equal. I have been playing for 5yrs+ and when said and done there isnt a wrong way to install emblems. Knowing your play style is more important.

As an example, raids have always been my thing. I enjoy using rainbow as a good challenge. Because of that I tend to lien defense. So they stay in the fight longer. Using rainbow you know going in chances are board will need time to develop.

There is times no matter what you do, you cant pickup the heros weak stats much. I see that when say base attack is high and defense lower than norm. Emblem path doesnt have enough to make worth while of trying to up the defense. Then I will just focus on adding to the strong attack. Which with me, will use that hero, just not as much as some that fit my play style better.

Rarely a wrong path to take a hero. Every roster can be different in its needs. Main thing, building teams with synergy.

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Very good points and assement. Your Wolfgang is where I would want mine to be. If I had him. Lol Only 1 in that portal I cant seem to obtain.

I want the highest tile damage I can get from Tarlak so atk on mine. Against 10/11* titans no problem staying alive.

I also used him raid attack in a 3+2 for quite a while, and also here his high atk served me well.

Thank you, appreciate that. My hero in that portal I just cant get is quenell. I did 18 pulls or so buying the offer, I won’t chase her but I want to. Literally half of the heroes I pulled were green and none were her, I got trolled lol. I hope you get him!

In order to target a specific hero you need to think in terms of 180 pulls rather than 18… and 1800 pulls if you want a decent chance of success.

Well, I did over 100 pulls in that portal and can’t get Ferrant and any 5*

I went defense with mine. I know he’s not going to kill anyone. I just need him to survive so that his healing can take effect. So I went Shield path. I have Devana, Joon, and Uraeus to inflict damage.

However, if Wolfy is your main damage dealer, Sword path should be ideal.

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Thank you very much everybody for all your replies really appreciate it, thanks again. Just another quick one is anybody using Quintin is he any good and have you got the emblem pass for him. Thanks again everyone.