Which path for kingston?

Hey guys!
I’m sorry if there exists already a post but didn’t find anything. Which path should i take for kingston’s emblems?
What do you think? Thx for helping

I have not applied emblems to my Kingston yet - all my fighter emblems were used and I don’t want to pull from magni or boldtusk. That said, when I hit 65, I’m gonna start bringing Kingston up. When he gets going, I’m going offense (which is typically what I do).


Only attack path for him. And the fighter class in general should take this path (the hitters) → Strategy: Emblems on 4* or 5*? - #16 by Scarecrow


@Scarecrow, why for support heroes priority HP/Def, not Def/HP? I always use Def/HP, because Def is better then HP, except maybe for Seshat which is can has advantage for minion percent health. And also Riposte like cyprian also HP 1st.

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I don’t understand. What is the difference? I meant the side of the path with both. It really doesn’t matter the order :slight_smile:

L.E. I guess I know what you meant. You probably refer to a scenario where you have to choose between atk and HP on a side and atk and def other side. Yes, the side with def should be chosen. I didn’t check out how many times appear something like this through classes.


Big different… let see this sample…

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Meanwhile I understood what you meant and I edited my post above :smile:


Thank you guys, i was about to go the attack path, now i’m sure to do so. I really like this forum :+1::+1:

Glad to see you and @jinbatsu realized that you were both actually agreeing :joy:…I was getting worried it would go on while you both were on the same page.
@Scarecrow, wanted to thank you for being so helpful on these forums, as well as @jinbatsu. I’ve linked many of your helpful comments to my alliances LINE group. It’s helped my training teams immensely.


+1 for this ( @PapaHeavy comment) @Scarecrow @jinbatsu!

Jin was the first person in the forums that gave me leveling guidance down to the hero order and I followed it very strictly, I feel like a proud Student lol

And Scare’s advice on emblem paths was so enlightening I shared it in my alliance and everyone liked it, also helped me change a few orders of emblems as well.

Thanks to both of you :heart:


You said it @LadyAchilles!! Both of these players know what they are talking about. I make sure to pay attention whenever they comment, I’ve picked up quite a few helpful tips along the way.

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Will revive this topic… which path will you choose for node 19, crit or mana? Not green mana troop ftm, but HA is working, so :crossed_fingers:t2:

Kingston’s Elementan Link is mana generation +4%.
Fast mana to change from 8 to 7 tiles need 15%.
So it can be reached by Mana Troop level 29 or Other option:
Troop level 11 (9%) + Mana Node19 (2%) + ElementLink (4%) = 15%.


Good point @jinbatsu, I forgot about King elemental link. Thin I will go for mana node then :grin:

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