What are the best classic hero teams you can put together for raid defense? I’m also curious what everyone thinks for offense as well, but understand that this is situational.
I use this team back when I just started leveling 5* heros.
I can’t show the exact team because things have changed quite a bit since. I summons Telluria in February (I think) and my team started changing considerably after that. The only heros from this team that still have emblems are Joon+18, Boldtuck+20 and Magni+11. Azlar got replaced by GM and Domitia by Seshat. The team kept me in Platinum comfortably.
Offensively, I still use the following
Green tank or no Ice events - Azlar, Colen and Boldtuck
Red tank or no Nature events - Magni, Grimm, Boril and Kiril
Yellow tank - Domitia, Rigard and Tiburtus
Purple tank - Joon, Leonidas
Blue tank or no Fire events - none (I use other Nature heros other than the “classic” ones)
Keep in mind, I did not get some of the other classic heros like Elena or Justice until later on. Thus, several of these heros are sitting on my bench still at level 1/1.
My green tank raid team uses BT+19, Elena +7 and Azlar +7, along with some non vanilla goodness
Lianna, Caedmon and Kadilen often get used together
Rigard is a staple for me and lots of others, I have two fully emblemed and a third partway there
Sonya Grimm and Kiril are a handy set
Joon and Leo are handy
If I was going to make a raid team from pure vanilla I’d go BT, Rigard, Joon, Lianna and Elena, that’d probably work
If s1 heroes are 80% of your roster, then you don’t have much choice but to play with them as best as you can.
My defense team:
Joon+14, cBolbtusk+20, Kadilen+19, Vela, Lianna+18
If I didn’t have Vela, I’d probably put Richard in her place.
In raids I always use Isarnia, Kirill, Grimm, Azlar, Elena, Mariana, cBoldtusk, Lannan and Kadilen, cRigard, cTiburtus, Domitia, Quintis, Joon and Vivica in different combinations.
cKiril+10 and (c)Sonya are always part of my blue stack
BT+15 and Scarlett+9 still make my red stack
(c)Caedmon+18 never leaves my my green stack, and cMelendor gets used frequently as well
cRigard and cTibs+14 always go hand-in-hand in my purple stack
Sadly, yellow is where S1 falls flat on its face except for Joon+6, who I bring along 50% of the time depending on whether I want raw damage output or mana control, in which case I use Mist+18 instead