I have no idea what I’m doing here but I love playing! Can anyone tell me which heroes are the best to hang on to? And which ones do I put together as a team?
I’ve written up at least the bad ones you can ignore.
Kinda long, but… first some general advice:
- In general, partially leveled heroes don’t help very much. It’s usually better to concentrate on heroes and finish them when possible.
There are occasional exceptions for some specialist heroes, especially vs titans, but even a fully leveled hero is still only partly “done” given the existence of emblems, Master emblems, LB1, and LB2.
If I have a super hero I really want to finish soon for a particular ability, I might feed it all feeder heroes to get that one hero done, but most of the time I’m concentrating on one hero in each color (because heroes get +exp when you feed them heroes of their own color).
- I don’t like to throw away any hero I’ve significantly put training into, but also, eventually you’ll likely wind up training most every vanilla S1 3* (and 4*) hero as you start accruing their Toon costumes.
Especially in 3* and 4* tournaments and event stages, Toons are a long-term useful staple. Once you start getting costumes for them from the Costume Chamber portal — via the event and/or just plenty of Mystic Vision ads! — prioritize those.
- Keep an eye on which ascension materials you have — if you don’t have enough to ascend a 4*, it’s probably good to concentrate on some 3* until you do.
That’s not a 100% rule; if you really need a certain special ability, having a 4* trained up to its second-last ascension can be a utility hero for a while. but (see #1 above) a fully leveled hero is usually better (especially if you can deck it out with more extras).
- A good rule is to make sure you have a mix of abilities to draw on, at first, at all, and eventually, across a range of colors.
Eventually you’re likely to want to “color stack” (bring several of one color, to increase tile damage in that color and to fire several Specials together), so having a given ability in as many colors as possible does wind up being useful.
For general “advancing on the map” play — and often for raid/tournament/war defense — it’s often not bad to stick with a “rainbow” team (one of each color), which means you just want to make sure you have at least one good member of each staple ability (many heroes can at least somewhat do more than one thing)
Healing: in most contexts, being able to heal your heroes is a Good Thing. On map stages, there’s always potions, but having someone who can heal on your team usually helps. (Healing comes in several flavors: regular vs boost healing, immediate vs heal-over-time, so those are considerations.)
Dispel and Cleanse: Dispel gets rid of bad-guy buffs (like attack boosts or counterattack) and cleanse gets rid of debuffs on your heroes (like damage-over-time or defense down). On map stages. you can bring little green (antidote) potions, but Cleanse is still useful - and often vital in raids and such where you can’t bring items.
Buffs and debuffs: make your heroes better or the bad guys worse. These are force multipliers that make your damage (from tile damage or from Special skills) more effective (or your enemies’ less so).
Damage (snipers): eventually you have to get bad guys off the board, and if you don’t want to rely on tile damage, then at least sometimes you want your heroes to FIRE DAMAGE. The advantage of snipers is sometimes you want to get a given foe off the board right how. (Read more, if you like.)
Damage (multi-hit): Sometimes smacking foes one at a time is too dang slow. Multi-hitters are generally slower, and do less damage per target. but more total damage.
Special: some heroes have unique abilities that may not be useful outside a niche, but are amazing in the right place. Also: don’t forget to check the sides of cards for “passive” or “family” bonuses, which sometimes are reason enough to train or use a hero in themselves!
More specific hero notes:
Felton’s special (and Cover family bonus!) is made of win and awesome, and he is worthy of emblems and LB when you have the resources
Poppy is a pretty good 3* hitter, and you might as well level up her costume since you have it (leveling a costume is faster and cheaper) — the costume static stat bonus is small but still a bonus, and her costume form is arguably a bit better than her original form (slightly less damage per hit, but better chance of more hits)
Toons: Dawa is an attacker toon, all of Sabina’s costumes are useful and Toon passive is always useful to boot, Hawkmoon and Belith are useful Toon healers. Kailani and Gunnar are Toon buffers, still worth doing but perhaps as followups?
Ulmer drops defense-down on all enemies. This is often a Very Good Thing (especially vs high-defense enemies, like bosses) when followed up by damage dealers.
Villiers, when you have the ascension materials, is often very useful; he has the Cover family bonus, the fiend mechanic is generally useful but notable is the buff-stealing which is Yes for a similar reason as Felton’s buff reflection
Aqeela gives you Dodge. That can be a very useful defensive buff.
These are not the only heroes worth doing - pretty much all 4* healers eventually - but at a first pass, these are some that stand out.
Also? Carthago delenda est. #52RareQuestsAYear