Would you have an idea how an ftp gets additional roster space if not from the shop?
Keep leveling up fast with loads of farming.
Early on the game gives good number of roster space after few levels.
- That chart might her there on the forum
Yep for beginners thats true.
What about 5+ year ftp?
Ubfortunately I have to buy roster space from time to time because I get new 3*, 4* and very seldom 5* heros.
Good idea about Boril + Kiril. I guess since you went that far ahead with another blue strategy, you don’t need Valen to “creep” rare resources.
Gunnar is a very good blue defender, but not that versatile. Especially not together with a counterattack hero like Boril, against whom you want enemies to deal as much damage as possible. Also he’s nearly useless in events (unless you pull his costume) and 3* tournaments (except on defense in certain ones). The good thing about him is that he could eat your Paladin emblems (but those are better saved for Guardian Falcon). The bad thing is that I really see no actual application for him in your case.
Gill-Ra can do that, yes. Costume provides additional bonus, and she eats the Sorcerer emblems which are so hard to utilize for a F2P/C2P.
And yes, from the Shop it’s best to buy 5x5 Roster (Hero) Space for 50 gems each ASAP. This will help you keep additional heroes and leaves more space for feeders, thus saving you a lot of food in the long run, which is also very important.
An easy way is to wait until your roster is full, then try to add another hero. You’ll get a pop up to buy space.
Gunnar will help him progress in PVE a lot further than he could otherwise. And PVE is where he will get the best bang for buck in regards to progression loot. He will actually help to complete the events - competing is something that is probably a little way away for @Cap23
It’s funny I had just said that I wanted to move on to a different color and today’s PoV challenge is to win a raid with all ice lineup. I got Gunnar to 3-25 and he saved my ■■■ in that. I do see his value and agree on PVE. I have been going into nearly every level with the Boril + Kiril combo which has served well, but it really limits me having to take 2 blue heroes into nearly every map stage. I could see a number of scenarios where I just bring Gunnar as my blue hero which would be nice to mix things up a bit. Will finish leveling Gunnar tonight then move on I think to Hawkmoon unless I get someone better tonight from TC13 or Valhalla
Early on I used gems to expand roster. There are deals popping up once in awhile if you watch for them.
Trying to think of early day hints that help. If it hasn’t been mentioned, when you EHTs (Epic Hero Tokens) only use them in the seasonal events, like Springvale a week ago. You have a shot at pulling a non-season 1 hero.
Have fun!
Dansing mentioned that briefly but I am glad you posted also because I overlooked. Wasnt aware you could use EHTs in Seasonal Events. Thank you. Im not sure when next seasonal event is. Dont see one on May calendar so Im not sure I will have the patience to hoard for a month or more lol. I know this is a game of patience but it really does test it sometimes. Im sure after a few months I will settle in, but first month or two here its hard to just sit back and wait
There will be a Summer solstice one coming in June. All new heroes!
Ok cool, thanks. What about Costume Summons? How often are those? I dont see it on the calendar for May and I keep getting keys in Mystic Vision lol
Every other month. A great portal for player starting out.
While you are a new player my advice is do not spend any penny or delete the game still not late
Dang, so I guess not til June. Well, thanks for info. I think thats the biggest thing that is disappointing for beginners is that so much of the game is getting coins and items that have no use for a while. Im sure it will be nice when it comes around, but its a long wait
June will have Seasonal event for sure & a new one might be there….
We tested Beach Party Family in beta…. Check that post in the forum, to get better idea of heroes.
You’ve been playing how long and have this fine set of heroes. Wow. I had to restart because I lost my first account, and I have 14 keepable heroes, two 5*, seven 4*, the rest three’s. I could use you as an advisor just for me to get as good a start as you by the looks of it.
Thank you I started a month ago, almost 5 weeks now. I did get lucky on some pulls when I first started. Maybe Zynga just trying to lure me in lol. How long have you been playing?
I just finished enough Valhalla levels just in time to get 100 coins for a summons and got 3* Costume Kvasir. Reading through forums it seems like people like him. Though Im not sure I fully get minions and DoT yet. Like the amounts seem so small to make much of an impact but I’m sure it’s just me being a rookie.
I don’t have access to Season 4 yet. But I have 300 Dunes Coins for a few summons, so I will post who I get and see if any changes to who I should level next. Im almost done with Gunnar at 3-45.
Ok, so as I mentioned I previously pulled Cedar then I got Costume Kvasir in Valhalla. My 3 Dunes summons resulted in Rekhetre, Aqeela, and Jarif. I dont really see the hype on Kvasir but I also dont really get Minions and DoT (seems like such a small amount of damage but Im sure Im missing something).
Gunnar is leveled. Just gotta get his skill to 8/8, then decide if Im gonna emblem him.
I was going to do Hawkmoon next, but unsure with the new additions. I dont have access to Season 4/5 yet so wont be any more summons for at least a week.
What do u guys think about prioritizing now? Gotta be honest, Rekhetre looks kinda appealing to me. My first boosted health healer. But dont want to waste resources. Food starting to run low lol.
Edit: Also, if any of the 3*s are junk that can be fed to others, please let me know! Im only keeping 2 copies of Gramps and Helo right now to use when I level them bc I have terrible luck with improving special skills lol. And Brogan/Layla I will eventually remove emblems when I need them. Didn’t have a need to yet and I throw them in war lineups.
Gunnar will remain a staple hero for your three star events, even after you’ve moved on to four star and five star heroes.
Level her. She is great. So is Kvasir. Level him also and keep them.
Obtaining extra roster space is a good idea, always keep some room for feeders to level up.
I see you pulled Aqeela. Level her also.
This is a lot of leveling to be going on with. Push your farms as high as you can get them and then level your base and then push your farms up more. You want to get your food production as high as possible as quickly as possible.