Ascension help please if you would

I am new and only have one 5 star leveled. I can level another . I have materials for C Magni or Mother North . My 5 star is Isarnia currently . I only have one tome to do so . I also have elkanen and Horghall but no thanks on another slow hero. So of those three which would you level ?

I didn’t get what 3 heroes you’re hesitating from ? Out of the ones you mentioned only Elkanen end C Magni ain’t slow.

Hello, I will recommend Mother North. Magni costume is a beast but you already have a 5* ice hero and MN is the one with highest resurrection %age in the game.

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Pick C Magni Mother North or Elkanen . Please

Thank you :pray: appreciate the response

Mother North. She will be a difference maker for you.

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Mother North every time. Magni at 3.70 is still going to be ok for you at your point in the game, too. Just max MN and emblem if you can. Plant her on your left wing and leave her there for the next year.

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Thank you :pray: appreciate you

Thank you :pray: appreciate you !

@Guvnor can you close this for me please . MN it is ! Issue solved

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I would go with Mother North. She is a pain in the rear on defense teams due to her constant resurrection and healing.

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Thank you appreciate you !