Are the new costumes of any Real Practical Value & will they SELL ?!

Are the new costumes of the OLD heroes of any practical Value as of this moment / day & will they SELL ?!

As I read the costume descriptions, I don’t see any major difference, but just some tweaks w.r.t. the main hero design.

Also, many of the specials have been copied from existing heroes in the game to just spice-up the hero costumes:

  • Health boost : Heimdall, Gullinbursti, PL, etc …
  • Add small amount of mana : Alberich, five 2021 HoTMs, ToXi, etc …
  • a bit higher DD / EDD % : Athena, Panther, Fancine, Ursena, etc …


Some costumes are just a re-Jig of main hero specials - number / turns…

  • Vanda does the same but in different % / turns
  • Ursena does almost the same…
  • Most others do the same with extra turns for some things & less turns for some things !!

For that very reason, I doubt these costumes will be chased at all,
the P2P players already have the hero solutions that these costumes offer… via other heroes, already in the roster…
The 4* elemental mats shortage aspect is mitigated bcoz of the costumes…
that too doesn’t make me want to go for them… I just don’t NEED the Costumes !

The game is overloaded with heroes & many rosters are also overloaded = Hero summon SLOW down has ARRIVED…
Hence, it’s time for player’s QoL focus for SG… will they, is the thought- question in my mind… !?

Let’s communicate collectively, once again !
They will read for sure & “May be”, surprise us !

Ursena had an elemental debuff so that would be nice to pull if lacking panther / Sergei… not sure it is enough to go for, Sergei being a 4* should be easier to obtain… but with the new hero rate waiting and doing nothing is always the best option, why pay for something soon to be outdated?

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To me they give me 0 interest in spending. I prefer totally new heroes more, I don’t like the idea of having 2 of the same hero if I happened to pull a costume for a 5* hero which I already had maxed (I dont have 99% of the heroes that have gotten costume). Also as mentioned, 1 year from now these heroes that have gotten costume will be outdated, so why would I try to get them for a few minutes of being relevant again. Same can be said to every new hero though, but atleast they are more unique than costumes are.

80% of them are just lazy slight reworks. Not worth to pull if you already owned them. The worse is probably c black Knight, which I feel is a total downgrade to the original

How many people will chase costumes if for no other reason than for the passive costume bonuses?


Perhaps consider the other half of folks who started the game recently, and haven’t had opportunity to get these heroes during their original release/offerings? The costume is just a different way or flavor of the hero.

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Most of the costumes seem to be a downgrade compared to their original & getting them for the stats boost seems silly …

How hard do people work to get emblems to stat-boost leveled heroes… and costume bonuses stack with those. (And does depend on the costume, a lot of the costumes themselves are minor, but turning already-strong Ariel into an overhealer? Sheesh.)


Not money

Costumes are not about the money

They are about SGG being a small team so deliberately increasing the game’s spend depth ( AKA make the game more of a grind for Pay 2 Play and Free 2 Play )

Small team



By making Costume chamber, and Taverns, bimonthly, for zero development cycles, SGG doubles the spend depth of costumes