So I have found myself in a pickle (as many others).
Ludwig - wanted him for a long time, Kara is the only other taunter, choose Quenell in last SE (still on the bench tho) and seems cheep for 15 souls.
BUT after I’m done with Dark Lord, Alfrike or Ludwig has to fight (and wait) for tabards since I got 0 left.
Faline - seems like a great holy at fast speed, I have Eiora&Fluffy and Emilio maxed for family bonus.
BUT cSif and Matilda is currently fighting for my last 6 darts.
cFinley - my least attracting options but can indeed be a monster in this buffed meta. Got a lot of blues and got Skadi in Fated who I’m now giving love and Sobek have been sitting at 3/70 for a long time.
Picture of rooster below, for reference.
- Ludwig
- Faline
- cFinley
0 voters
Thanks everybody