This catalog was inspired in this list I’ve did earlier. My Excel skills are not Pro. I did it for free just for helping. Hold your negativity. You’re free to share anywhere you want, just don’t remove my name and icon, please. Feel free to point any mistakes or updates, I’ll work on it ASAP.
Hope you like it.
🦋 For Lantern Minion (Ninja Tower) and Skeleton Minion (War Rule) click here.
Lantern Minion is an optional blessing from Ninja Tower, not being summoned by heroes using their Special Skills. Skeleton Minion is from War Rule: Undead Horde, they are not summoned by heroes using their Special Skills. FIENDS are NOT minions so they’re out too.
That being said, they’re separated from the rest for avoiding confusion.
They are not summoned by heroes, they’re an optional blessing from ninja tower ONLY so I thought they don’t really fit in. There are many sheets about the blessings which includes the lantern minion already, like the one bellow:
I know but I think many people want it even they are not summoned by heroes. I think it will be perfect if you put them and fiend too. Maybe in another table.
Has there been a file or table that lists all the current minions that the game has within the game right now? I became a little curious and would be open to even attempt one myself. For now, it’d have to exclude the S4/Underwild fiends.
Like if I were to make a table, a good chunk of these various minions would probably fall under the “attacks a random enemy” and I’d include druid talents and cKadilen for Thorn Minions, which I’d include like I would include the Ice Giant Minions of Jotunheim.