Alliance War Strategy Guide

Thanks. We are all on Yellow with max Onatel, Justice, Guinevere etc.

My topic was closed… because i could find here more information… hmz…

Well… can someone tell me what best colour strategy is for top300 allies… Purple or blue tank?

As stated above, depends what heroes your alliance members have available.

I think you should also consider what support heroes are available. For instance, a blue tank with strong red support hero is good as the red is strong against what blue is weak in (green). So for instance Ariel with GM would be powerful. Ariel with Khagan not so much.


Got here from another thread discussing war strategies where it seemed that the popular choice was one wave of attacks on a certain number of of weaker teams, followed by a second wave of attack on the same teams 6 hours later to take advantage of the respawning feature, followed by an all out attack after 8 hours (after the second respawn) trying to reset the board in order to attack again the weaker teams for a fourth time.

The strategy makes sense and I like it because I think it’s flexible enough for almost any alliance but I wonder what is the rule of thumb for determining the number of teams to be attacked in each of the first two waves?

Too low, and there will be too many flags left in the end which will require attacking the strong teams again.

Too high, and there may be not enough flags to complete the reset in the third wave of attack.

I think I’ve found a simple solution but I was wondering if someone already has one.


“There was an attempt…”. I love that any one of the five options available is a good choice.:laughing:

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I posted this elsewhere but perhaps it’s more appropriate in this thread. I’ll try to make this one shorter than the original.

I believe we all can agree that the best strategy is the one that maximizes the efficiency of war flags and the best way to do that is to maximize the number of PvP wins in war (to gain the win bonus). There are different strategies to achieve this but in short, each strategy is a combination of one or more of the following rounds:

  1. A "Reset” Round (defeat all opponents to regenerate the entire field right away)
  2. A “Respawn” Round (defeat some opponents and wait for them to regenerate after a set time).
  3. A “Final Attack” Round (attack opponents until flags or time runs out).

In what order do you combine the first two rounds and how often do you take advantage of them though? I think the best way to determine the best combination of these elements to create a war strategy is by applying a concept which I called:

  1. Flag Efficiency (or Flag to Wins Ratio)

The Flag to Wins Ratio, as the name implies simply means how many flags on average has an alliance spent in the past to get a PvP win and it can be calculated by dividing total flags used with total wins achieved. Wins can be calculated either exactly by adding up all victories or approximately by dividing the final war score with the average points for a victory (or the points for a victory over an average team.)

Here’s some examples to hopefully clarify the concept.

Imagine an alliance with 15 members which is matched against an identical alliance. How does Flag Efficiency determine their strategy?

  • Scenario 1: Flag Efficiency is 3 to 1.

An alliance with this ratio in the past, should expect at least 30 PvP wins from their 90 war flags. The best strategy for them to achieve 30 PvP wins is what I’ll name “STRATEGY A” or “Respawn 1 – Respawn 2 – Final Attack”. In Respawn 1, the alliance defeats the 10 weakest opponents using about 30 flags. In Respawn 2, as these 10 opponents respawn and war energy gets replenished, the alliance defeats them again using about another 30 flags. In Final Attack, as these opponents respawn again the alliance defeats them (and more opponents if possible) using the final 30 flags. This strategy avoids attacking the 5 strongest opponents (at least until the very end) and increases efficiency. A pretty simple, flexible and neat strategy.

  • Scenario 2: Flag Efficiency is 2.5 to 1

On 90 war flags used the alliance should now expect 36 PvP wins. The best strategy is most likely again “STRATEGY A”. Other than attacking 12 opponents in each round, everything is identical to above.

An alternative would be the popular “STRATEGY B” or “Respawn 1 – Respawn 2 – Reset – Final attack”. This strategy is literally what gave me the idea of Flag Efficiency. I asked earlier in this thread: “How do alliances determine how many weak opponents to attack in the first two rounds?” Attacking too many might jeopardize the Reset round, attacking too few might leave too many flags for the final round forcing alliances (left to their weakest teams now) to attack strong opponents.

Flag efficiency makes it easy to calculate that answer now. Since the Reset round will require 15 victories (the number of all opponents), that leaves 21 victories for the other 3 rounds, or about 7 each. So now, the strategy is: Respawn 1, defeat the 7 weakest opponents; Respawn 2, defeat again the same 7 opponents; Reset; Final attack. It’s a pretty good strategy for an alliance with this Flag Efficiency and no wonder is so popular.

As a side note, alliances that start with “STRATEGY A” can easily flip to “STRATEGY B” if they perform better than expected in the first two rounds. This is another reason why I recommend “STRATEGY A” for most alliances around this Flag Efficiency.

Another alternative could be the somewhat controversial “STRATEGY C” or “Reset 1 – Reset 2 – Final attack”. This strategy fails to take advantage of the Respawn feature but it has some added benefits from the all out and coordinated attack. All allies get together during a short window of time in the second half, once war energy is replenished, and force two resets. Flag efficiency here is improved by coordination and communication and a good alliance can make this work to perfection. In this strategy, the alliance can get 30 wins in the two resets, and 6 (or more) in the Final Attack.

  • Scenario 3: Flag Efficiency is 2 to 1

90 war flags used now generate 45 victories. Clearly “STRATEGY A” is inapplicable here as 3 waves of attack would create 3 resets. Since I doubt 3 resets is a preferred choice when it can be avoided, and 0 resets is a bad choice, the only choices left are between strategies with one reset, or two resets.

For alliances that want to do only one reset, the best strategy is “STRATEGY B” with 15 victories for the reset and 10 victories for each of the other rounds.

Another option could be “STRATEGY D”, or “Reset – Respawn 1 – Respawn 2 – Final attack” but this strategy is so complicated and time sensitive that it is impractical. It has no permanent advantage over “STRATEGY B” on which it is based but it could work occasionally for alliances when the final hours of war are highly inconvenient for most of the members.

Double reset strategies are better alternatives for strong alliances. Here, the team would get 30 wins from the two Reset rounds and 15 wins from the other rounds. These strategies could thus be written as:

“STRATEGY E” or “Reset 1 – Respawn – Reset 2 – Final attack”. A very simple and balanced attack. All hands on deck twice during war.

“STRATEGY F” or “Reset 1 – Respawn 1 – Respawn 2 – Reset 2 – Final attack”. Very similar to “STRATEGY D” described above and thus very impractical.

“STRATEGY G” or “Respawn 1 – Respawn 2 – Reset 1 – Reset 2 – Final attack”, which is my favorite double reset strategy.

Thank you for your time. I hope it wasn’t all a waste.


Nice guide but needs an update maybe as things have changed:

Nothing needs to be changed. You missed the context of that 4500 point limit. It was based on being able to kill each team 3 times based on respawn times. The following paragraph talks about exceeding that limit due to reseting the board.

Thanks for taking the time to correct me. :+1: