I’m looking into alliance info and titan info. Any advice on joining alliance and how to pick an alliance to join. Don’t know much about this section of the game and with alliance and titan hunting so any info is appreciated. I’m at level 24 so hopefully that’s enough to get started. Thanks in advance for any advice and direction.
In general, you might want to join an alliance that is active and have similar playstyle and size than you. You can find that out by checking their alliance (last active days), chech their alliance score, talk to someone from the alliance and/or join them for a visit to see the alliance from inside.
What level of titans are you comfortable with? Do prefer to play casual or competitive? Do you like war? Do you prefer a chatty alliance or just fine with a calm chat? These are often good aspects to consider.
There is a recuitment section here in forum, Line groups, a Discord server. Ir you could check alliance recuitment chat in game i f you prefer that.
If you are looking, please take a look at our alliance family ZERO. Common Line group across all alliances for sharing advices and fun.
The best place to find an alliance that suits you is to read through the recruitment section, here on the forum. There are a lot of great alliances and you will be able to find a good fit somewhere
You could also post there yourself, saying who you are and what you are looking for and get a lot of replies lol
Good luck in the game!
@SilverDragonR thanks I’ll check it out when I have a chance a little later.
Style of play is I’m still somewhat new so I have zero exp with titan, thus the question here. I do play quite often daily.
Thank you for the advice. Love the game and now lookin to expand past the normal play and raids.
Looks like I’d be a genesis candidate
You are welcome to take the last spot in Zero Genesis! The leaders are know of your arrival. Tap alliance, alliances, search Zero Genesis, request join.