Alchemy Lab and Hero Academy conversions


I have moved Barracks around depending on my current needs ( see notes ).

Barracks has unlimited storage for troops, and leveling troops is instantaneous. So it is never has a wait timer.

Unlike Lodge ( harpoons to use excess iron ), Lab ( shards → emblems )and Academy ( mysterious Hero formations ), all buildings that have wait timers.

So I will likely continue to treat Barracks that way and build Lodge, Lab and Academy on 3x forges.


I love harpoons ( see notes ).

But my favorite part of crafting harpoons is 7x 1* ingredients ( 5x Common Herb, 1x Large bone, 1x Clean cloth ) which is very easy to farm, and stockpile, but gives me a 5* battle item.

My second favorite part of crafting harpoons is crafting them to use excess iron. Especially since Stronghold 21- 25 were added, the build times are so long, even when I still had a second builder, iron was often wasted.


Click for notes


Currently a level 20 Farm.


([Warning!, Tip, Danger!] 🎶 Drunken Santa ( apologies to the Irish Rovers ) or Battle item targeting and harpoons in Santa's Challenge)

([Warning!, Tip, Danger!] The Old Moderator and the Sea (apologies to Ernest Hemingway and @Kerridoc ) or Wilbur and harpoons in Trials of Piety)

(The Great Yellow Whale ( apologies to Herman Melville ) or Harpooning Vivica in Trials of Fortitude and Friar Tuck in Trials of Piety)

([Tip] One trick titans absolutely hate or Harpoon vs. titan vs. STUNNED titan or Hidden information about harpoons)

VIP pass

If you are only getting the VIP Pass for the second builder, I recommend buying the 30 day option.

Before my most recent uninstall of Empires, my favorite part of VIP Pass was 90x monthly loot tickets that I used for Atlantis Rising and 900x monthly gems for buying more hero roster slots. With merciless RNG, I hoard many 4* / all 5* heroes.