Advice - green heroes

Good evening! I’m looking for advice on a few topics related to green heroes.

(1) I have the following green heroes leveled, what is the best Titan team to make out of them? Tarlak, Costume Francine, Almur, Kalo, Lianna, Alberich, LotL, Quenell, El Naddaha, Heimdall, Ratatoskr.

(2) My green raid attack team is currently Lianna, Alberich, LotL, Quenell, El Naddaha. I’d like to replace Lianna, and need advice on who is best to use in her place: Winifred, Guan Yu, or Cristobol.

Thank you all for your thoughts!

Hope this helps…

so, 3 that you have should be active. Almur, Ratatoskr, and Tarlak. Almur deals Elemental Defense down, which stacks with normal defense down, Ratatoskr increases the damage the toles will do, and Tarlak is your attack booster. All you’re missing is a normal defense down, and Franz. Franz increases the damage dealt by 50%.

for titans, its not the special skills that get the most damage. Its the tiles.


What makes Almur better than Costume Francine? I thought they both did defense down against nature. And with Francine as a 5*, aren’t her base stats higher?

And Franz, as a very slow, does he actually go off? I have him, but have never taken the time to level.

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And regarding defense down, I don’t have Frigg, so is Silveria my next best option?

Against anything blue, yes cFrancine is better than Almur.

Franz is one of the best 4* heroes in the game, level him asap. Against titans you can allways feed him mana bottles to get the special to load. Your damage output will be increased by 50%. It’s huge.

Also Franz is a boss on all VF stuff.

  1. Costume Brienne, CFrancine, Ratatoskr, Franz, Tarlak

Use (Bear) Banners for attack boost!

  1. My advice: don´t play mono. With your heroes that is complete insanity lol: 3 heroes are enough to win the match. Use Almur, El Nad and Quenell as a 3-stack and add 2 support/healers in another color to buy some time to charge your green ones if you don´t get the 8 tiles right away.
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Will cBrienne stay alive vs. 10-11* titans?

Also, I appreciate the thoughts on not going mono. Question… Why with my heroes is that insane? Are they not good?

Also, still need advice on which of my greens to ascend next: Guan Yu, Winifred, or Cristobol. Any thoughts?

They are too good! As I said, you only need 3 of them to win the match. Completely pointless to bring another 2 of the same color, you can´t do more than win the match. You need a second color in case you do not get green tiles right away. So you use 2 heroes in a different color to stay alive longer and get the green tiles to win.

Size of titan is unimportant… she dies on the first hit by any titan, so make sure she doesn´t get hit…

Of course I should have said: Use her for maximum damage, when it matters that she has the biggest defense down ailment out of any green hero. That includes that you need to use items. If you do use items, her low survivability doesn´t matter, because she will not get hit.

If you just want to be lazy (don´t take it the wrong way, this is a completely feasible option for relaxed players) and not use any items at all and just throw a few matches at the titan, she is not a good choice, because she will be dead in no time. However in that case just bring any random 5 star (or emblemed 4 star) heroes that will survive a few hits, preferably with def up and attack down in addition to 2 healers. That way you can just keep throwing tiles at the titan for fun. It won´t do much damage, but also doesn´t cost any items…

Of course if you want to be in between the two the story gets more complicated :wink: