šŸ‘ŗ Acidfire - 5* Dark / Purple from Goblin Village

Sorry to hear luck wasnā€™t on your side either. I ended up doing a few more pulls and landed Boom & Fang and a dupe Kettle, how disappointing :slightly_frowning_face:

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Oh no! Iā€™m really sorry to hear about your luck with this portal. But donā€™t worry, Iā€™m sure he will be featured again very soon! And when that happens, youā€™ll definitely be able to get him, probably with just a few pulls. It seems to happen a lot, so Iā€™m sure your chance will come around again! Hang in there!

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They finally showed up for me!!


Yay :slight_smile:



None of the characters you listed are really OP. They are top of the meta, but all can be beaten pretty easily if you set up properly. Hanna and Shal may end up being op based on their abilities, but those two are the only two i have seen that could be op. Gaelachs fiends donā€™t even do any damage, he is very far from op. Xiamara does good damage, but her debuff is very difficult to get to trigger unless your oponent isnā€™t even trying to protect their mana enhancer. Every one i see handcuffs a hathor to their hippo. The damage isnā€™t something you cannot deal with, you have two full mana fills at avg speed before you can get to the big damage and you have to wait a few turns for the ability to grow to that strength too. All you listed are amazing heroes, but none of those are OP.

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Which hero is this? Might have been a typo or autocorrect but genuinely curious lol.

My guess is Farrah autocorrected to Hanna.


I probably remembered it wrong. The purple girl who looks like lady thor from marvel.

There is a Hannah, and I remembered thinking ā€œHannah?? I mean I guess at one pointā€ lol. Yeah they means Farrah. Acidfire will be nice stealing buffs from Satori lol.

This last go round i pulled leafwisk and boom and fang. I canā€™t get the fast blue fizzcoil or acidfire fast purple. Iā€™ve about given up. I donā€™t have kettle or madhammer but Iā€™m not totally interested in them except for collection purposes. Something about these goblins i love themā€¦lol :heart: good luck in their next portal, Iā€™ll cross my fingers and toes for ya. :hugs:

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Got him as a bonus after finishing the quest. Could he be a decent tank for war?


Gonna ask this here, too


Both times Iā€™ve pulled any Goblin 5* in this portal, they each came with their own Acidfire. While the first one was a no brainer [to max], the secondā€¦ Iā€™m less sure about. Anyone with multiples of this hero, who has, or is considering, leveling a second? Is this a hero youā€™re that happy with, to level dupes of? As Iā€™m torn. Goblins are so rare, and kings of the meta, so I hate to have a good one collecting dust, butā€¦ are they dupe worthy?


if you have materials and no one better in queue i think he is worth it

the damage will be weaker with time but buffs reflect and wither are very useful utility

i am not a fan of duplicates in general but some heroes work well in different situations and even together on the same team

the only duplicate i am really enjoying and still using is lokiā€¦ i have 2 maxed and planning on maxing a 3rd copy but i am too lazy now


Just got this guy as my first 5* goblin, is he legit? Between him and Madame G for my next purple project.

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Sure he is, congrats. As he is fast and reflects buffs to your team he is very useful in different circumstances.

Using him with 5* troop he really shines in the current raid environment. Would love to have mats to level him a second time.


@RandaPanduh with the Wither stacking, I think two would make a very good war team combo. Theyā€™ll charge together, the second one will hit even harder if you target the same 3, or you can reflect all buffs if you go for all 5 heroes. I donā€™t see much downside if youā€™ve got the mats. I donā€™t have a dupe to max. If they nerf Wither so that it can only be once per turn, that would stink too.


I appreciate the comment, the time and insight: thank you. Really bummed to have pulled a dupe Goblin as immediately as possible, but least knowing Acidfire to be one of the good ones, secretly hoped it wouldnā€™t be for naught (like most dupe pulls). Goblins are just too good (and rare) to not utilize!

The thing that Iā€™m most hung up about, is would a dupe Goblin be better than leveling a unique hero? Iā€™ve got plenty of mats - could max 13 more purples just with what I have atm (I donā€™t use LB obvi) - so that isnā€™t a concern; itā€™s more about the time-constraint, so whatā€™s most useful, and what I can utilize and take advantage of immediately (as itā€™s a lengthy process maxing). Too, maxing a dupe seems risky, so imo itā€™s gotta be a phenomenal hero with a timeless SS.

The purples in queue (the only ones Iā€™d consider giving mats to, that is) after I finish Acidfire #1, are Darkfeather, C3. Obakan, C2. Quintus, C. Freya, Diaochan, Grimble and Rayne. So question is really, would a second Acidfire beat out any of those? Darkfeather is next no matter what, but I get less and less confident the further I move down that line. Iā€™m sure C3. Obakan is solid, then C2. Quintus prob too. But after that, I honestly donā€™t even know lol


I also donā€™t like maxing any dupe. The only one I have leveled that is a dupe is Magni but that was when I first started and didnā€™t know any better. I think thereā€™s so much variety in heroes that itā€™s a waste to level dupes unless you donā€™t plan on doing any future pulls. There will be better heroes in the future so save your resources. Iā€™m always tempted to level a dupe when they come through the portal; especially the good ones like Acidfire (2x), DF (3x), Erlang (3x). I would trade all 7 of those dupes for just one Pepper that I canā€™t seem to get.