Abigail - 5* Fire / Red from Shadow heroes

2nd free pull from the shadow quest :smiley:

Not the best insanity hero… but this one’s free! I’ll take it :laughing:


She is actually a great insanity hero.

As long as the minions are there, an opp is going insane

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Thanks @ProfessorBlaq:slight_smile:

I guess I’ll have to hide her minions behind C.Diao & C. Zhuge’s minions

I was thinking she is probably not as effective on defense though…with loads of anti-minion heroes out there (Lunar NY heroes render completely useless)… And now the Astral Dwarves family resist all effects from minions

In any case, guess most insanity heroes are better on offense…since they need some degree of control…

Either way… I’m certainly happy to have snagged her! :slight_smile:


She definitely needs a buff… She should be either fast speed with this damage out put and minions hp or should have way beefier minion… like 30% minion hp or similar i order to be in line with the rest of the family… This way, she’s average, hit is weak and minion die way to easily and don’t give almost any one measily 10% Insanity… yet she gets 55% Insanity herself. Completely broken the way she is right now. Staying on the bench until some buff happens hopefully…

For those who have her, how do you strategise around her?

I get that pairing her up with other minioners may be feasible, but for that to work you need:

  • 9 tiles of red
  • x tiles of other hero’s tiles
  • Hope that in pursuit of the above, you have not activated any opponent special skills that nullify the minion strategy AND HASNT KILKED ANY IF YOUR OTHER HEROES. Because once your heroes start dying so does the amount of minions spawning.
  • assuming all of the above holds, you will be dealing 25 insanity each turn. To their entire team. So you are likely adding 5-10 insanity per opposing hero.

Again, if I was managing the opposing team, and the above scenario unfolded I would not be too worried about the insanity. I would probably still work towards taking out other heroes on your team.

It just seems to me that this strategy is extremely situational or best fitting for fights where you are already OP and would have won the battle fielding mimosa other heroes

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