5 star Red Question - Who to Ascend?

I usually get fantastic advice on this forum, so here’s another question for you all.
I currently have Gravemaker, Alberich and Athena as my only maxed 5*. I’m also working on, and can fully ascend Joon and Ursena to join the 5* party. Just give me like 2 weeks.

I’m also one tonic away from maxing Kingston (will choose him over Elkanen and Horghall), and a couple scopes away from maxing Ariel as she is my best 5* healer.

I’m slowly getting the materials to work on my next red 5* project, but have the blades now to ascend one of the following to 3/70:

  • Red Hood
  • Grazul
  • Ares

I could also final ascend one of these 4* heroes:

  • Scarlett
  • Kelile
  • Lancelot
  • Colen
  • Gormek
  • 2nd Wilbur (have one maxed)
  • 2nd Boldtusk (have one maxed)
  • Sumitomo

My other fully ascended 4* red heroes are:

  • Wilbur
  • Boldtusk
  • G. Falcon

I’m not sure which way I should take my red heroes, and which would be the most versatile, as I can make an argument for any of them:

  • Red Hood’s AOE damage + minion heal is definitely a unique ability, and as the only Ranger healer, could help me immensely in any class quests. That being said, Athena is holding all of my Ranger emblems, and her damage isn’t too impressive.
  • Ares would immediately replace Boldtusk on my Titan team (but Boldtusk is almost at maxed emblems, but I may reallocate them to Kingston once he’s maxed). He is tank material, but Gravemaker has been holding down the tank position on my defense team with success. Could be useful for maps/quests, and I have no other Paladin worthy of my emblems right now. Seriously leaning in this direction, but I fear as one of the early HOTMs, he’s become obsolete with all of the new meta, and can easily be dispelled.
  • Grazul is V. Fast, and V. Fast is great. Could also be a great sidekick to my maxed Gravemaker, but as a non-damage dealer, I’m struggling to see how she will noticeably improve my defense teams, map clearing ability or titan hits. I would most likely also move my emblems from Rigard over to Ariel ultimately, leaving Grazul with no extra love.

So - which of these 3 heroes help my overall roster the best? Who synergizes well with my existing core of 5* heroes? To add, I have most S1 and S2 4 star heroes, with the following maxed and receiving regular play time. Others are at 3/60 or 1/1, but I plan on bringing all of these 4* to at least 3/60 at some point.

  • Rigard
  • Proteus
  • Merlin
  • Gretel
  • G. Jackal
  • Wu Kong
  • Li Xiu
  • Kiril
  • Grimm
  • Agwe
  • Hansel
  • Caedmon
  • Melendor
  • Boldtusk
  • Wilbur
  • G. Falcon

Thanks for the advice peeps.

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If you aren’t close on rings I’d actually prefer Scarlett. Outside of GM your reds are average mana and supporting in nature, Scarlett is a fast hard hitting attacker that does not overlap with anyone else’s abilities on your team.


I’m close on rings. Just need 1 more! I’ve got 9 blades as well, so by the time the rare quest rolls around, I’d like to have Ares, Red Hood or Grazul queued up for final ascension.

I think Scarlett should be first myself too. She’s going to be a great help for the upcoming Wonderland challenge event this November for Epic tier, and even for Legendary tier: her tile damage is the 4th highest out of all red heroes (behind Elena, Azlar, and G. Kong). Her squishiness is somewhat compensated for by her attack debuff too.

But if you insist on bringing up a 5* instead, then my choice would be Grazul, also because she is going to be pretty useful in Wonderland. Four of the bosses (Alice, Cheshire Cat, Jabberwocky, and White Rabbit) have undispellable ailments, so her buff will be a massive help for Legendary tier if you time it correctly (just watch out for the Hatter’s buff steal).



As you said: very fast = very fast = very fast


I don’t have Grazul, so I can’t say too much on her, but I do have the other two maxed. Red Hood is the more versatile red of the three 5* reds you mentioned. What you did not mention, and what many other people often forget, is that Red Hood’s minions also prevent getting your mana cut. She is great against Guin, Mitsuko and LotL and her minions are rather beefy as well. Ares is a great offensive hero, but is no longer suited for def because there are far too many dispellers out that that make him ineffective.

As far as your 4* red heroes are concerned the only three I would consider for you are Scarlett (her effect and tile damage are amazing) and Kelile (her DoT is pretty good) because their mana is fast and Lancelot because his ability to increase mana generation can come in handy, especially for 4* raid tournaments where everything is set to very fast.

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Ares for offence - he’s great in War and vs titans and in seasonal events. His heal and critical boost make your snipers better; plus he frees up emblems for Kingston, making him even better.

You don’t have 20 percent of the 5*s I have, but the ones you listed give you a way stronger Defence and starting 5 than I’ll have in a year. Great luck/work. Your team is powerful.


thanks for the thoughtful insight. Going Ares, and not looking back!
Given the heroes I’ve listed, what would be your defense team set up, assuming I max all of my current 5*?

Alby, Gravy, Ursena, Joon, Kingston

Joon is the only question in that mess - and you could flip flop King/Joon if you prefer - but it’s kinda a wash, and w people avoiding yellow vs Ursena and unlikely to take purple, they’re not going to stack vs Joon, which means off-tank stacking will be vs. Gravy, who’s very-fast and more likely to go off.

And by Mess, I mean, STRONG defence