3 Stars hero

Recommend reading #player-guides and the E&P Wiki. Also, join a good mid level alliance and learn there, if you’re not in a good one now

I am in an alliance group. Just that haven’t go for war.

My point was more you need a good one, to give you specific advice on issues during play. The questions you are asking are possibly indicating that you’re not getting good game advice all that often, which a good alliance with some experienced players will give you as needed. Of course if you have that where you are, or you’re not worried, stay put

Good luck!

You are right. I am still not good at playing it. Just the usual topping up the resources, train heros and killing Titans.

I have many 3* heroes and am leveling two new ones now.
Figure I can’t really compete in 5* tourneys & raids, since I am not going to fork over the money to be competitive. BUT, I can be competitive with tier 3* tourneys.

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