⚔ [29th Sep 2024] - 284th Raid Tournament - 5* Buff Booster, No Dark/ Purple

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Preparation Phase Begins Battle Phase Begins Rewards Distributed
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)

:no_pedestrians: This Week’s Restrictions & Special Rule

:fire: :leaves: :snowflake: :sun_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:
Elements Allowed
:superhero: :star2:
Hero Rarities Allowed
:person_fencing: :star2:
Troop Rarities Allowed
:fire: :snowflake: :leaves: :sun_with_face:
No Dark/ Purple
:five: :star:
or lower
:five: :star:
or lower

:dizzy: Special Rule: Buff Booster

Each buffs adds an attack multiplier!

:timer_clock: History

=> Most Recent Occurrence of This Format: ⚔ [11h Feb 2024] - 251th Raid Tournament - 5* Buff Booster, No Dark/ Purple

=> Click Here for Log of Past Tournaments

:left_speech_bubble: Before, During & After the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!

:speaking_head: Some topics to start off with:

Click for some suggested discussion points
  • Do this week’s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?
  • Are there heroes you’re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally don’t make use of anymore?
  • Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?
  • Do Costumes affect your team selection at all?
  • What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?
  • Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think you’ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?
  • Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?
  • Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?
  • Are there elements of this week’s Tournament that are unclear to you?
  • Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?

:clipboard: Defense Team Tracking

Hat tip to @wineybrit for originating this thread idea with the second Raid Tournament

Click for suggestions on information to include in Defence Team Tracking
  • Which day of the Tournament is it?
  • How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?
  • What is your Defense Team’s win/loss record today, and in total?
  • What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?
  • Which heroes make up your Defense Team?
  • What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?
  • What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?

:gem: After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!

:world_map: Log & Guide to Raid Tournaments

A Log of past Tournaments, and an overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.

=> Click Here for: :medal_sports: Raid Tournaments – Log, Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring, Restrictions, Special Rules, and Rewards

JekylandHyde XXV medal:


It’s now 5*s or lower.


You are right, I have fixed it.


First draft

Not sure about this defense, I might change it till tomorrow

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Day 1
O: 4-1

I lost to this…
Shaal went off then did Lazara and killed my team

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With no Purples, this is going to be a tough tournament. Not only are they my strongest and fastest attackers, but Darkfeather and c2Obakan are also good buffers with the appropriate Legendary Troops.

Went with my Green and Red 3-1-1 attack teams today: Mariol - Ferrus - cMa’at - Roz - Dabria and Mariol - Ferrus - Torben - c2Marjana - Cardinal Richelieu.

Won the first 3 before falling to this team.

Went 3 Reds and only managed to kill Garten with tiles. Iocantha shredded my attackers. The right side of the defense didn’t even need to do anything.

Almost lost the last match on time, but finally took down the tVivica tank with a minute left on the clock and 400% damage bonus. She’s really annoying. Can’t wait for the damage bonus to be implemented in wars as well.

Defense is surprisingly 2-0. Just threw my highest TP heroes in there :sweat_smile:

Good luck everyone!


Defense unchanged.
Day 1:
4/1 (4/1 in total)
Defense: 3/0 (A, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Good start :smiley:


My squad


Wow it’s only day 2 and I am out.
0-3 today.
I really had no good boards at all.

In my very first match, I ended up getting tiles at the very end when I had 2 heroes with less than 300 health each, which was way too late.
I did manage to get 2 kills in multiple matches sand did the weekly challenge, so at least there is that, but my god wow. Probably my own fault though for going mono each time.

I went against a lot of Lemonwood. The first match had 2x LB2 +25 Lemonwood (1 was flank, 1 was wing, but both went off once)


Day 2 started off well with 2 wins with my Blue stack of Mariol - Ferrus - Pophit - c2Magni - Dabria. Then things started going downhill.

Next match was against a Livia tank flanked by Timius and Smarttongue. Attacked with the same team but should have brought a dispeller. Livia’s buffs + Smarttongue’s wither made my hitters lightweights. Killed the wings but even with Dabria reviving my heroes multiple times, couldn’t break through even in overtime. Killed by Timius with the damage boost.

The 4th was just as frustrating for a different reason. Match went down to my Dabria vs the wing Xiamara. Dabria charged and in a rare occurrence failed to revive anyone. Didn’t get another chance and got slashed to death.

Last match was against a Hilda flanked by Mena and Vaishali. Got my Blue tiles but Mena survived with a sliver of health and started fluffing my heroes. My wing healers got killed first and couldn’t come back from that.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 2-1 A 3,932 900 4,832
2 6-4 3-2 A 8,105 8,105
3 -
4 -
5 -

Despite an A (3-2) defense, not going to buy back in. Good luck to those still surviving!


Day 2:
3/2(7/3 in total)
Defense: 4/0(A, A, ?, ?, ?) :sunglasses:
Good luck to all still in the tournament!


These 5* tourneys becoming harder and harder for F2P and C2P.

Day 2:
Attack: 7-3
Defense: 2-5 (E) :pleading_face:

Still alive until tomorrow i guess


It’s 4* tournament for me :joy:

My defense is “A” (except first day, when it got “E” with only one attack).

As for attack, I use also only 4*.
:blue_heart: 2xGregs :blue_heart: , 2xc2Caedmons and good, old Kiril.

As for opponents, they are, unfortunately, not 4* :joy: But somehow, my Gregs are crushing them.

And with 15-0 so far, I’m barely in top1000 :joy:


Day 3:
3/1 (10/4, whipped out)
Defense: 6/2 (A, A, A, ?, ?)
I’m out of the tournament and have no gems, hope that defense will stay on A


Not a glorious tournament here too, out since Wednesday (top 50%) :man_shrugging:
5*: Difficult to compete with top players
Defense: 6-8 (C).

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Been a while, but managed to go 25-0 on offense, and mostly B class on defense


Thought I was done with the tournament but the game decided otherwise. My alt started 6-3, but 11 straight wins and made it to the last day. Helps that with the FTP roster, didn’t face any defenses higher than 6800 TP. At least they are beatable.

Attacked with Chloris - cPerseus - tRichard - Sobek - Queen Guowang/Laohu. There are better healers than Chloris, but she’s a terrific HoTM.

Lost the first against an Aviana tank. Almost won it but my Queen G couldn’t outhit the enemy tRichard. Bought back in as top 1% in a 5* tournament happens only on a blue moon for my alt and won the next 4.

Defense was A in the first 3 days but dropped to C (4-5) after 4 straight losses. Still more than enough to finish in the top 1%.

Don’t keep track of my alt performance, but most certainly a new high score.

Good luck with your last attacks and with the loot tomorrow :four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers:


10/4, defense A, A, A, A, A.



Final results
Attack: 6-4 (42—)
Defense: 7-8 (AABCC)
Score: 10,655
Ranking: 171,341 (Top 50%)
33-tournament average: 621-156 (79.9%)

Not much to say about this tournament. Early shower after 3 losses to end Day 2. Defense doing better than expected was the only positive takeaway.

Alt got the bragging rights this week, finishing 21-4 with AAACC defense. Loot was pretty good too.

4* Buff, no Yellow next week. Going to be a nightmare facing tCyprian :scream: See you all!


Main: top 5%

Defense “100% A”: Jequn - Toxicandra - tLi Xiu - Fizzcoil - Neema
Attack: Kara - Jequn - 2x c2Li Xiu - Toxicandra


Defense won all attacks.

Alt: top 1%

Defense “E → A”: Greg - tBT - tHu Tao - c2Caedmon - Greg
Attack: Greg - c2Caedmon - Kiril - c2 Caedmon - Greg


After perfect 3 days of crushing, they started to crush me :joy: But top 1% saved :+1:

Second alt: top 10%

Defense “D/E”: Caitlin - Miss Ethel - Gongniu - Cupido - Bo&Runt
Attack: cGormek - Cupido - tBT - c2Li Xiu - Gongniu
