Now your mono defence looks hot to me.
I have all ingredients.
You’d tank Marcel over Buddy?!
(too bad there’s no emoji for throwing a clown face lol)
Btw wow thanks for this hot tip, didn’t even realize I had a pretty good epic team for Avalon since I was running with my yurple team which does the job but is a bit slow, and no elemental defense down of course. Switched to a 4-1 setup with cRigs-Almur-Marcel-Jack-Caedmon and already improved my total score by 5k on 2 stages in only 3 attempts!
Yeah, I was running Almur, Marcel, Jack, Caedmon and Little John+0 or Hansel. It lacks just a bit of fire power, so at some point I might put few emblems on LJ. Or if another stronger green hit 3 comes, it could easily be in pair with reds when it comes to dmg output.
I have a lot of these heroes but not maxed yet (Buddy at 4/1, Jack and LJ at 2/1. But I have this:
I guess I’ll go with that and see what happens.
So, Zimkitha and Azlar are eating Marcel when Azlar says “Does this taste funny to you?”
Here’s mine for the week. Not expecting much.
You know what, I was staring at my mono defense for the longest time, even though it has good synergy, I finally caved and balanced it out with yurple. cTibs is slower than Almur but as @Slobix said, for bloody battle you want to just keep piling on those defense debuffs from the start.
Marcel isn’t quite Buddy tanky but him going off is arguably worse than Buddy going off - his special does almost 2x the damage. Then if Jack goes off after that it’ll hurt, but if cTibs goes off first it’ll REALLY hurt.
Dropped Hansel for Griffin because I remembered he’s a true sniper, hitting as hard as Richard on his first activation! If wings are going off, I want to make sure they land a kill shot (or as close to one as possible), so Griffin takes the spot Plus rogues are perfect for this format.
Well at least that’s how it supposed to work in theory, just have to see if this holds up. Hoping for at least a B.
Bloody Battle without red…
= Buddy Battle
Yup, this should work very well.
Day 1:
O: 5-0. Oh wow. Marcel is really great - this is the first time I was using him in p2p, and his dmg after Almur was 3x600+! Just wow. I’m impressed.
One battle was super close, against autofilled defence I guess, but tiles were in very short supply for my green-yellow team.
D: 0-0, but it’s definitely too early to tell what will happen.
Already got attacked once and won.
knock on wood
Also funny how it’s always the supposedly easy defenses that trip you up eh. It’s like “wow this looks so easy” and then the board goes “but how easy will it be if I take away all your tiles :trollface:”
Day 1
O : 5-0
Go with Mist - CB Tiburtus - Proteus and Grimm - Sonya or CB Skittleskull - C Caedmon depend on if I need cleanse or dispell. The board is pretty good today. Face many auto-fill healer tank, so no problem. Except, the last battle against CB Sonya tank, The board is pretty bad. I found that Stonecleave is pretty dangerous in bloody battle at wing if he go off. I lose 3 heroes before the battle all of them are killed by Stonecleave. They are almost die. He just finish them. He deal about 260-290 damage each turn while he is in ghost form.
D : 0-0
Shadereave is red, so he’s not allowed. Do you mean stonecleave (purple ‘ghosting’ hero)?
Probably Mireweave the blue who is a hit-3
Yes, Stonecleave, my bad
Day 1
O 4-1
D 0-0
First day with mixed results. Without red it seems people tend to put some hitter tanks for bloody battle instead of the rather harmless wilbur tanks. So be it, will probably be a little bit harder than normal.
First 3 were OK, against the first 2 I went yellow - dark with proteus, tibs c+19, mist +18,mist, griffin +18
Against the 3rd yellow green, with mist and griffin from before and almur+19, buddy+19, hänsel.
So far so good. 4th looked super easy auto fill def. I stayed with the green - yellow team and concentrated my gameplay on the left side. After kiril c and rigard fired the slash attacks started to hurt I lost 2 heroes before I finished them, was the first battle were I didn’t finished with all heroes alive.
Last battle was unfortunate, took the yellow dark team from the first two attacks. And although li died fast there weren’t any yellow stones. Lost against the two ninjas still standing.
No, Wilbur is the best 4* tank in bloody battle. I also use him as tank in 5* no-blue bloody battle tournament and get grade A defense. Share damage + lower defense mean you need both cleanse and dispell. Even blue is allowed, I will use Wilbur tank + x2 AoE flank in any bloody battle as long as red is allowed. Without Wilbur, I think the tournament will be a little bit easier
Not really, I only need a wilbur on my side, or some other def down. Never mind the shared damage, that’s even an advantage. I, in general, seldom have problems with passive tanks, be it 3* with Gunnar, 4* with wilbur, or 5* with aegir. But if the tank is aggressive I often get real trouble.
A wilbur tank gives you a lot of time, to charge some manacontroll heroes or Aoe heroes.
But so everyone has different opponents he likes or dislikes, and I think that’s good so. Would be boring if everyone would put the same team because everyone struggles against the same opponents
Usually don’t do too well in Bloody tournaments since my play style is more using healers. 4-1 start is about as expected.
Used a 4 Green team with Buddy - Almur - Peters and Caedmon switching between costumes depending if I need a dispel or cleanse. Ametrine is the backup plan in case there is a lack of Green tiles. Battles weren’t easy, probably would have lost more if the opponents didn’t put healers I could dump tiles on.
The one loss was against this team
The TP looks scary with 2 limit broken heroes, but I liked my chances until I saw the opening board full of Blues and Yellows. Did manage to salvage 300+ points so not a total loss.
Defense could be better at 1-4
Good luck everyone
Honestly, I forget about use Wilbur counter Wilbur since my 4* red stack isn’t very powerful but now I have Guardian Falcon. It may be different. Def down alone doesn’t work much well if you still have def down on your heroes. It need pretty good board to win if there are def down and share damage on both side. If you have good board, you can win any defense.
I usually use 3-2 on offense. I usually win even board is pretty bad as long tank isn’t Wilbur or aggressive lower defense like C Tiburtus. In normal case, if I can charge my x3 or x2 stack before someone in my team die, I win. My x2 stack is mostly Proteus + CB Tiburtus (in bloody battle) or Proteus + CB Rigard or Sabina (in buff booster and rush attack). In bloody battle against Wilbur tank, my Proteus + CB Tiburtus may not make me win if they get full mana after Wilbur fire. Wilbur may also resist Proteus or CB Tiburtus. And with share damage on enemy and lower def on my heroes, I need significant good board to win. I never try Mist vs Wilbur in bloody battle tournament since I just fully level her about a week ago. She might do better than Proteus as long as she can fire before Wilbur fire and Wilbur doesn’t resist her.
Wilbur counter Wilbur is most effective way. But he is only heroes you rely on. The other color stack may not make you with if they get full mana after Wilbur fire. I hate Wilbur tank most because he is most likely to make me lose if I have pretty bad board or worse. I don’t know. Maybe, I just use wrong heroes
About against aggressive lower defense tank like C Tiburtus, I also have problem against them if I have bad board. But I think use x2 C Sonya or C Caedmon will make the battle easier to win (However, I don’t have C Sonya. That is why I still have problem against them
I have a question who do you use to fight this defense, C Kelile - C Tiburtus, Wilbur, C Wu Kong, Jack O’Hare , in bloody battle no blue ? (In my opinion, it is the best defense in 4* bloody battle no blue )