1 space in long running, active alliance, please come join us 😊


We have space for 2 experienced members to join our active, but low pressure Alliance :blush:If you are looking for a team that is respectful of your busy life, please come and join our amazing family! Our member levels range from 32 to 100 and our trophy requirement is 1,600. Wars and 10* Titans are optional, but if you choose to opt into wars, you must use all 6 flags. We are a friendly bunch of like minded people, check us out, once you join us, you won’t want to leave!! :grin::mermaid:


Room now for one reliable, active player :+1:t2:

One space still available, please check us out :+1:t2:

Hello. Few questions:

Wars: Cooridnated tanks? If yes, which colour? Also do you rotate colour periodically or keep it static?
If rotating what’s the frequency?
Are you capping yourselves at 10* titans or do you plan to hit bigger ones?
Is there a damage cap on titans?


Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

Hey Game Well

To answer your questions, our current tank is purple. We do rotate periodically. We take a vote and go with the majority colour. However purple has been the vote for a few months now. Now I have new members we can revolted before the next war. Although we’re capped at 10s we are just at the point of capping at 11s and are continuing to get stronger, so the cap will increase further over time. There is no damage limit as we are all in different time zones. We trialled it but ended up losing Titans, so subsequently scrapped it.

We are a very friendly, supportive Alliance, growing stronger by the day. We’ve been running for over 6 years and I still have many of my original team.

I still have one spot left, you’re very welcome to check us out and if we’re not for you, that’s ok :+1:t2:

Thanks for your query :blush:


*we can review before the next war.

Thanks for the response. I may send an account by after this war has completed if you still have space.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

Hey there
I still have one space. I have now made the Alliance invite only, so am happy to hold it for you until tomorrow.
Please let me know asap if you’re still interested and what your gaming name is so I can accept you you into our Team.

Kind regards

Wonder :blush:

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We have also now raised our Titan cap to 11 having defeated all 11*s in the last week :blush:

We have also now raised our Titan cap to 11 having defeated all 11*s in the last week :+1:t2:

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The only other thing I should point out is you’ll see we have 2 inactive members. They are very long term and valued members who are both on personal leave from the game. I am in touch with both members and holding their spaces until they can rejoin us :+1:t2:

Think they’re in already… with rum :smile:

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

Haha thanks so much Blem, they sure are and they are very welcome! Can I just ask are you a recruiter for Alliances? I normally recruit from the global chat (which I really don’t enjoy!) but if it’s ok with you, in future can I come to you if I have a space?
I only ask because this is the first time in 6 years that I’ve gained a member through this platform and given the questions you asked, I know you and potential members are serious about the game!

No worries if this is too much to ask, I appreciate you finding us a member regardless :+1:t2:

Best wishes


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No worries. Glad they made it and hope you mesh well together.
No, I’m not a recruiter. I have an alt account which I float around alliances and I know a few people who play the game both met in game and some who joined the game later. I tend to keep them updated with information about the game and they let me know if they happen to be looking for a new alliance. As such I keep an eye out for what I think might be compatible alliances on here and let them know if there’s a spot… Wait, that kind of does sound like recruiting :smile:

Think this was just a case of right place and right time but I’ll be happy to keep your alliance on my list and spread the word if I know of anyone else looking. Just be sure to update here if/when you have a spot available.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

Hey Blem

Ah thank you so much, I really appreciate it as I hate recruiting from the main forum! Uub is already proving to be an excellent asset to our Alliance btw!!

I will be in touch if and when we have any available spaces and thanks so much again for your help! :grin:

Best wishes


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Hey Blem

Re Sirens&Tritons

Well I didn’t expect to contact you so soon, but we now have 2 spaces after the War. Do you by any chance know of 2 reliable, long term players, 1600 + trophies, higher would be ideal, now we’re hitting 12*s!

If you know of anyone who would be interested, I would really very much appreciate you sending them my way :crossed_fingers:t2::+1:t2: It is important that new players should also know I kick players under 50 days for missed flags. I don’t think I pointed that out before!

If you do direct anyone, can you please ask them to mention your name, so I know to accept them :blush:

Thanks so much


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I don’t know of anyone looking right now but I’ll be sure to mention you if that changes.

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

No probs Blem

I reall appreciate you getting back to me :+1:t2:

2 spaces available for reliable, experienced members only. We are now capped at 11s but are hitting 12s with a view to capping at 12.
Please check us out, we are getting stronger by the day, but with 2 more members we can only grow more!! :blush:

2 spaces still available :blush::+1:t2: