One active, long term member required for awesome Alliance Sirens & Tritons 🔱

I have space for 1 experienced member to join our highly active, but low pressure Alliance. If you are looking for a team that is respectful of your busy life, please come and join our amazing family! Our member levels range from 36 to 101 and our trophy requirement is 2,200. Wars and 12*s Titans are optional, but if you choose to opt into wars, you must use all 6 flags. We are a friendly bunch of like minded people, check us out, once you join us, you won’t want to leave!! :mermaid::merperson:


Nice ad, for anyone interested what is the name of your alliance?

Ha, thank you for pointing that out to me. We’re called Sirens & Tritons, I’ll add it now! :see_no_evil:

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One spot available, please check us out :+1:t2:

I’m still looking for one long term member, please check out the details above and join us if you’re interested! :smiling_face: