⚔ [08 Jan 2023] - 194th Raid Tournament - 3* Buff Booster, All Elements

Agreed! With no color restrictions this is tough. I’m going to change things up and try to go as fast as possible.


Whats up with the leaderboard?

Ive shut down my game to refresh multiple times

Im 11th here but at the bottom it claims im 670th

Here im out of the top 100 but have the same score and listed as 2154.

I thought i should be in equal position with those also on the same score.

Give it time. This is not a Live Score event.

Log out. Log back in later. It should list you where you belong.


Day 1

O : 5-0

Go with combination of Faize, Rekhetre, x2 Kvasir, Maeve, Noril, C/CB Mnesseus and C/CB Tyrum depend on enemy team. The board is average to pretty good today. 5 win :slightly_smiling_face:.

I also face both Edelaide and Dawn tank and I think Edelaide tank is more dangerous than Dawn tank. Against Dawn, I can go with double green + double Kvasir but against Edelaide, have to use CB Tyrum. However, Edelaide is fast and is dangerous when there are few purple tile and the slashs with Edelaide’s buff don’t miss.

D : 0-0

I decide to change to this defense in the last minute before the tournament start :sweat_smile:.

From the previous top 10 defense, I think Rekhetre tank isn’t bad. So, I decide to use her as tank.

The leader board always bug in day 1 and 2. This happen in every raid tournament. However, the bug disappear in day 3 and after.


4-1 score in Day 1. The problem with no colour restriction tournaments is that I always have too many heroes to choose from :grin:

Attacked with 3-1-1 with the 3 being the strong colour against the tank. 3 Blue tanks today so Grevle - Fianna - Noril got used the most. Joukahainen came along as the dispeller. I started the first 2 matches with cKvasir as the lone yellow but switched to Rekhetre after that for a 2nd healer.

The one loss was from a dumb gamble.

Facing this team, went with 3 Reds (cHawkmoon - Bauchan - Dante) + Jouks and Rekhetre. Board wasn’t the greatest but had managed to kill Faiez and Dawn while losing only cHawkmoon. The remaining 3 were burning from Dante and I just needed to ghost some yellow tiles to charge Rekhetre and heal myself. Instead, I triggered a yellow diamond hoping to kill Aqeela with the tiles. She barely survived and fired back to back with Jouks.

Testing out the Stygian heroes in defense so not sure what will happen by the end of the week. Currently at 0-1.

Good luck everyone!


I managed to get a 5-0 start after a long time.

My team changed accordingly to the opponents tank. I faced 3 blue and 2 red tanks

Against the blue tanks the team was Noril - Dawn - Noril - Fianna - Faez

For the red ones I’ve tried Nordri- Dawn - Jouk - Frosty - Faez

The first match was the most difficult as Faez was the last hero standing

My defense started with a C

Let’s see if I can repeat my undefeated feature

Good matches everyone


I made a last minute change to go Elelaide at tank. I think she will do well there.

So far 1-0…

My offensive choices have apparently not been good. 3-2 after day 1. I really need to figure out how to play 2-2-1 or 3-1-1 if I ever want to finish one of these tournaments undefeated. 3-2 is just too board dependent to make a tournament run.


2-2-1 is too scattered, and really only recommended for more passive defenses that won’t slaughter your whole team if three of them fire.

3-1-1 is actually the most conceptually ideal at least in theory:

  • 3x strong or neutral color against tank
  • 1x healer
  • 1x support hero (debuffer, spirit linker, healer with useful secondary etc)

So far, I’ve found Kornel and Dolgoon to be excellent support heroes - Kornel also works extremely well in a red 3-stack especially in this format as tile damage gets insane. Dolgoon is useful against sniper heavy teams since that spirit link+defense up helps keep the whole team alive. Bonus points for magic x1 charge needing only 6 tiles, and for 2 buffs giving +40% attack. The guy is seriously OP for this format.


Yes, 2-2-1 or 3-1-1 are the best color stack to get 25-0.

As @rho say 2-2-1 is a bit to too scattered but more consistent. Normally, it is good against passive defense. Since x2 stack is weak, that mean if you want to use 2-2-1 effectively, all hero in your team have to be top-class/game-changer heroes in that tournament. However, if you have all those heroes you need, you can go 2-2-1 or even 2-1-1-1 against almost any defense until you face top-defense. Against top-defense, it is depend on the composition of that defense. Sometimes, 2-2-1 is better but sometime 3-1-1 is better. Sometime, you even have to go 3-2 or 4-1 against top-defense.

3-1-1 is the best in theory as @rho say. But yes, it is less consistent. However, 3-1-1 is easier to use since you don’t need as many top-class heroes as 2-2-1 to make it effective.

Overall, it is pretty hard to get 25-0 in 3* tournament. I think I never get 25-0 on any 3* tournament even before the 25-0 medal.

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2-2-2 would be a big advantage (using 6 heroes in your team) :smiley:


Oh, yes :rofl:

20 2-2-2 team :rofl:

Day 2

O : 5-0 (10-0)

Go with very similar tactic. Try C Belith in one attack, with her super wizard talent, she seem to be very good dispeller. Also use Pixie once against Para tank. Like Hansel, Pixie is still powerful even she is pretty old hero. I go with 2-2-1 in all attack. The board is average to pretty good in all attack. Face many top defense but still win without much problem :slightly_smiling_face:.

D : 1-1

End day 1 with E with 0-1 result :frowning_face:. Pretty bad that I only get very few attack. Not sure why, maybe there are too many people have x5 3* 55+20 :joy:.

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I fought against second team with Faiez as a tank and Rekhetre and Grevle on his sides. That was a second loss for me… Do you have any tips how to beat those teams?
I tried mana cut heroes to stop Faiez firing - he resisted every single hit…

Teams with more than one healer are too passive they said.
They are the easiest to beat they said.

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5-0 on Day 2. Had to push aside my impulse to just try and bash through the defense with hard hitters. Went 3-1-1 in all matches with 2 healers.

Faced 2 Dark tanks to start (Treevil and Aqeela) and attacked with Rekhetre - Poppy - Bane + Grevle and cTyrum/Tyrum.

Against a Virgil tank, Grevle - Fianna - Whacker + Rekhetre - Joukahainen.

Toughest match was the 4th against a Dante - Virgil - Edelaide - Aqeela - Goopy team. Used Para for the first time ever (had spare Rogue emblems) along with Tyrum - Aqeela + Rekhetre - Joukahainen. Had managed to kill Virgil and Edelaide, but a cascade charged Goopy with a lot of Green tiles on the board. Aqeela and Tyrum died, but stayed patient this time and got my Rekhetre charged up to boost the remaining heroes. Got enough Blue tiles to charge Jouks and win in the end. Para and Jouks’ passive that gives hp and mana when they reach low health the first time was a lifesaver.

Defense finished 1-1 after Day 1 and is at 2-3 now. Not too impressed with the results, though it’s a small sample size :stuck_out_tongue:

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 1-1 (B) 2540 650 3190
2 9-1 2-3 (C) 6020 6020

Good luck everyone!


Depends on what’s on the wings, but first inclination would be Virgil-Kornel-Azar as the main attacking stack, with Joukahainen and Rekhetre as support.

Or Kornel + 2× Virgil if you leveled a dupe. Or maybe swap out one Virgil for Waqas if the wings are also passive since he’s an excellent counter to overhealing.

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Finished Day 2 with 5-0 again

Same strategy. 4-1 switching between 4 blues and 1 green (Faiez) or 4 greens and 1 blue

Dawn and Faiez were in all formations. If I see Dawn on the opposite side I use a 3-1-1 with Kvasir to keep Dawn from use the minions


I basically ran this with good effect (5-0 today). My greens have gotten surprisingly poor over the past few weeks as I have stripped emblems I needed elsewhere, so I used a dark stack (Aquela, Bjorn, cbTyrum) against holy and blue tanks with Edelaide and Bauchan. Edelaide is the only hero I’m bringing to everything right now. I really like her in this format. I’m not sure she gets to play in any other three star tournament though (I might be tempted to use her in a bloody even though her heal wont work)

I like this. Tucking this idea away for use later!


I have to admit, I am sometimes guilty of bringing 3-4 healers/pseudo healers (usually 2 overhealers) and one killer, in a rainbow team. This has worked well for me for many raids, except against the most difficult tanks, in which case your 3-1-1 is probably a good idea

My defence team is not too different to what I bring for raids:

Fingers crossed that the luck continues!!


This tournament is very crappy for me (so far).

O: 10-4 (3-2, 5-0, 2-2) depends on defense at the end of this tourney day, if I’ll continue or not. Also my app crashed in one of my attacks, what never happened to my around 5.5 years old iPad before… hopefully it won’t ever happen again.

I also hate Dawn so much! 3* version of Waterpipe and way more devastating than him, because 3* won’t survive as much as 5*/4* do + is there even a hero that kills minions in 3* rarity? Cause I have none, making Dawn that much more annoying to deal with. Kvasir only works if he fires before her…

One of the looses was also very ugly and awful. Simply a very bad off-color against 4 slow heroes defense, it was only 2 front ones that killed me by themselves, the other ones didn’t matter, 2x Rufus near each other and guess what, no blue tiles whatsoever, even after activating 2 off-color diamonds! I risked it with 4-1 4 blues and 1 red, didn’t charge anything, not even fast heroes.

D : 2-1 (B,B, currently A) Jouka, Rekhetre, Aqeela, Poppy, Bjorn. Quite interesting is, that all players that attacked me so far, were really high level. 111, 89 and 102. I’m lvl 95.


Day 3

O : 5-0 (15-0)

Go with same tactic. With my 2-2-1 team, I seem to have no problem with average or better board no matter what enemy team is. Face 3 Dawn tank today :joy:. Get 2 good board, 2 average board, and 1 bad board :smile:.

3rd against Dawn tank with bad board :joy:.

Go with x2 Kvasir, Faiez, Noril, Maeve. The board is full red and blue. I can fire my both Kvasir but green tile never come. I lose one Kvasir, Faiez and Noril from enemy slash. Then the big cascade of green tile come and kill enemy Danw tank and Grevle. Leave my to 2 vs 3 situation. Luckily, the board constantly give me yellow and purple tile. I manage to kill enemy Ribbit and C Azar and end up with this situation

Pretty close battle but still win :joy:.

I also face Dawn tank in 5th attack. The board is average. Go with same team. Dawn tank fire twice but I can charge my Kvasir and fire one of my Kvasir (another one get manacut). Since I go with 2-2-1 and x2 slayer, I can easily kill Dawn minion in few tile. After I kill Dawn tank, there is no dangerous anymore.

For some reason, I face many Dawn tank but never face any Faiez tank. For me, I think Faiez tank is more dangerous than Dawn tank. It is easier to deal with Dawn tank and my green stack is more powerful than red stack.

D : 3-1

End day 2 with A and get some win. Pretty sad that my defense unlucky get E in day 1. I will miss the chance to be in top 10 if I get 25-0 on offense :sweat_smile:.

For some reason, I never face any Faiez tank. If I face him, I will try “Faiez - C Hawkmoon - C Jahanger - Noril - Maeve” team. C Jahanger is the only 3* red dispeller for now. I still never use him but I think he is good dispeller :smile:.

Except you have x2 Kvasir like me :rofl:

I use “x2 Kvasir - Faiez - Noril - Maeve” team against Dawn tank. They work well. I have high chance to fire one of my Kvasir even Dawn tank fire before him. Noril and Maeve combo have high tile damage. So, it isn’t hard to kill Dawn minion. Faiez is great healer in buff booster and he can resist the manacut.