[05th Apr, 2020] 50th Raid Tournament - 5* Buff Booster, No Green/Nature

I won all 5 matches today :blush:
Defence is 1-3 down = E
3071 points (currently to 5%)

I think that is my best first day for a 5* tournament so far :slight_smile:


Day 1


1:3 E


Ended up using this defense

1win 2 losses on defense so far. Went 5-0 on attack with 3-2 purple yellow for all but the Kunchen tank.

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Defense team:

Day 1

  • Offense: 4-1
  • Defense: 3-1 (A)

Still not sure what attack team use - more buffs or more dispel? :man_shrugging: Used 3-2 setup (Kiril + Richard + Athena, Kage + Proteus) so far, but I am not happy with it - probably try 2-2-1 in future (or mono if I feel desperate)


Wellā€¦ by some luck, I was doing well for a 5 star tournament for once, so I really wanted to slow down and pay attention to my matchesā€¦

And then I forgot about it and forgot to play my last match before the day reset :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


Day 2

Got smashed 2 times for 0 pts on attack todayā€¦so

+667 highest

Defense went up to C at scoring timeā€¦now even B atm

3 : 3 C B

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Day 1:
Offense: 4-1
Defense: 1-3

Day 2:
Offense: 4-1
Defense: 1-1

Offense: 8-2
Defense: 2-5
Score: 5957 / Top 5%

Obviously itā€™s still early so I am sure i will lose lots more on defense lol


Well, that was horrid!

Went from winning 5-0 yesterday to losing 3 times today. With only one life left I doubt Iā€™ll get through tomorrow.

Defence still D 2 wins, 4 losses.

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Iā€™m doing surprisingly well with my defense team so far:
3 wins, 2 losses yesterday (A grade)
1 win, 1 loss so far today (B grade total)

My team:
Vivica, Isarnia+3, Santa Claus+4, Vela+1, Sartana +3

Iā€™ve gone 4:1 on attacks yesterday and today.


Attacks 4:1 both Days - final loss to a team 450 power above so no surprise

Defense A > B so on the slideā€¦

Still mildly confused how opponents are selected for both offense and defence.

Defence: My Team 3850 power, first person facing it 4150 power

Offence: Best team I could make (but never practically use) 4000, faced team of this power first but could only raise useful 3800.

So some people start of against lower rated teams, some the same power so I presume some higher?

I guess its because my roster is pretty crap with only a few 5* that there is a disparity. For 3* and 4* tournaments its start off closer, then obviously ramps up quick as all the emblems come out to play.

Anyone else experience this to a similar extent? Iā€™m not moaning (for once :wink:) just an interesting observation.

So far so goodā€¦ But defense is now at B need to win one more to go back to Aā€¦


Lost 4. womp womp

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Day 2 is the start of the blue tanks, I try to bring blues as well and manage to win the first 3 battles. The 4th one is prolonged and I can only kill 3 before going down. And then the 5th one is my weekly rage-inducing board. I try to bring 4 purples (including double Kage) with an off-color healer against an Ursena tank with Onatel and Gazelle. I am unable to make 2 purple matches during the entire battleā€¦ Ursena goes off, I heal and make a move, cascades happen and Ursena goes off immediately again, decimating my team. That means that at least 16 tiles have hit Ursena during a single move. The number of purple tiles on the board before, during and after the cascade remained the same. 16 replacement tiles from a single move, all of them hitting the tank and none of them in my color. Definitely skill requiredā€¦

Defense finished 2-1 yesterday, picked up another 2 wins today so looking good at least.

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After day 3,

Offense: 12-3

Defense: 2-8 Grade E Ouch!

Top 5%

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Day 3

I had some very close matches but ended up winning 3 and losing 2, so now I am out.
I wont continue (have no gems and donā€™t want to buy offers).

Started the day with a loss where I was always 1 turn too late to have Grazulā€™s protection up. So with 3 lossed already the rest was nailbiting.
In the second fight I was almost a victim of unwanted cascades again when the Misandra tank fired right after my first move and chained twice. I somehow was able to turn it around, donā€™t remember the details unfortunately.
In the third I lost 2 of my heavy hitters early because Gravemaker fired twice before I could do anything. Fortunately their Guin and Kunchen were all in the wings so after I somehow took care of their snipers my lone Magni with the support of my own healers was able to finish the deal. It looked pretty grim at some point.
My last 2 battles were against basically the same team, all blues with an Aegir tank. They promptly died to Mitsuko. :slight_smile:

Defense went from 4-1 to 7-3 overall. Inside top 2k rank for now.

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One loss todayā€¦ A clean 0ā€¦ Super bad board.
But still fine.


Iā€™m out on my second flag of the day. Score 11744, currently puts me in top 1% but, Iā€™m guessing, not by much. Would you buy a continue if it were the difference between top 1% and top 5%? Or 10% even?

Have a look at the possible loot of top 1% and top 5%. ā€¦ Top 1% you get 3 coins.with higher chances at ETT and EHT. Top 5% you only get 2ā€¦and you have the chance to get 30 emblems.

Long story shortā€¦Yes it is definitely worth it.

In my oppinion if you have the chance to finish top 1% it is the best possible 75 gem investment in the entire game.

(Usually you need B or A defense rating to justify that purchase for staying in top 1%)

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Day 2

  • Offense: 4-1 (8-2)
  • Defense: 3-3 (6-4, A)

Day 3

  • Offense: 4-1 (12-3)
  • Defense: 1-1 (7-5, B)

One loss on offense every day, hopefully Iā€™ll break that curse and make it to the last day. Defense dropped to B but overall very good so far.

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