[05th Apr, 2020] 50th Raid Tournament - 5* Buff Booster, No Green/Nature

Oh yeah, duh… :stuck_out_tongue: I forgot that I stripped her emblems away to give to Telluria. Thanks for pointing that out!

I’m just so used to factoring in her Paladin buff since she was my first Paladin that I emblemed up, I forget that I stripped them away!

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Easily forgotten… Was expecting you to say you were waiting for food to put them on or something though :joy:

it makes sense to avoid red heroes and stack blue in a no green tournament. But my emblems are in Marj and her evade is a very useful skill. I am thinking because she is on the edge, the tile damage benefits of a blue stack wont matter against her. Whoever attacks me needs to go through isarnia- if they do that, then they can just ghost and take down the rest of my lineup. If they cant take her down, then all is good.

I could use vivica I suppose but I’m not a fan of her on defense. I also have Sartana- if she were emblemmed shed be pretty good in the tournament with the extra damage against buffs but she isnt emblemmed so shes pretty weak.

5* heroes arent really the best part of my roster.

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To be honest I’d run unemblemed Sartana over Marjana in this one… Rogue is cool, but Marjana is just too susceptible.

Only takes a mono team one match-3 down that side and she’ll get wiped where Sartana would probably survive it.

In either case, you’d ignore them until Drake, Grazul and the blues are gone.

Either way, best of luck :slight_smile:

That’s it. Finally a real piece of understanding. Avoid yellow and red heroes in your defence team this week unless they give a real benefit…like Mitsuko.

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That’s probably what I’ll do. I think you have the right thinking on this and your later comment about purple heroes being fine since yellow has few dispellers (only Costumed Vivica I think).

Personally, I’ll probably run

Seshat +18, Mitsuko +11, Aegir +0, Vela +9, and someone

This tournament is VERY different from other element restricted ones. People need to be careful about just stacking a ton of blues into their defense and calling it good. Finley and Mitsuko (and others) are still eligible attackers, and they will really hurt lineups that only take the element restriction into account.


@Yayo, we need to stop meeting like this. Once again the exact question I was here to find the answer too.
Personally she will 100% be in my defense for this one. If she gets to fire it’s gonna create a bad time for a blue stack.

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Which option would you use? Figure Guin is Guin.

Where would you place Ariel+12? Seems replace Guin makes more sense.


The only thing to remember with Vela…

Her AoE will scale up with the attack buffs - her DoT won’t.
A pure AoE destroyer like Isarnia or Snow White will scale up to much harder punch.

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Which is the better team?

Obviously I would max Lance and give him a few emblems. My other options for that red slot are 3.70 JF or Anzogh or 4.70 Gormek. I’ve also considered switching the flanks if I go with Lancelot.

or second option as i have them emblemed

I would maybe go a mixture of both.

Maybe go with Option 1 but I would put Drake in the Wing in the place of Kunchen.

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This is a good idea?

Maybe Panther because of Mitsuko

These are my options:

Any thoughts on this lineup? I also have Poseidon, Joon, Drazul and Azlar I could plug in there. Seshat a 4.38 but that might be too weak? Any feedback would be appreciated.

You still can level her after the start. Seshat is very useful as beeing a dispeller in this weeks tourney. Not sure whom to remove though.

I don’t have a lot of 5* options, and I generally do mediocre on defense in tourneys, but especially badly in 5* tourneys.

Does this look like a defense which might get me a D or better?

Sartana - Delilah - Isarnia - Guardian Kong - Vivica

Other options are:

3.70 5*:

I have all the classic S1 4*, including Rigard’s costume, if anyone thinks one of them will help.

No loses on the first day, I’ve used the same team as my defence one and my own heroes surprised me positively.

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Didn’t really plan to write reports because I usually don’t do that well on 5 tournies but managed to start with 5 wins so here it is.
Went with 3-2 teams with the 2 always being costumed Rigard + Kageburado which is simply my favorite combination for a support duo.
Battle 1: Jean Francois tank with no emblems and three 4*-s on the team. First move gives me a blue diamond, game was over then and there.
Battles 2-4: purple tanks, so I bring my yellows out and the boards are in my favor. I’m not sure why Aegir was on flank/wing in two of them…
Battle 5: epic battle, the opponent has Fenrir, Jabberwocky, Vela, Seshat, Grazul, all with 17-18 emblems. I make a huge gambit and bring Elena, Mitsuko and Grazul. Vela gets to fire first but it is calculated and I have Rigard ready to cleanse. Right after that Mitsuko is ready and both Fenrir and Vela suicide to her. Grazul stops Jabberwocky and Seshat runs into Elena’s counter. Some cleanup is needed but my plan worked due to a good board.

Defense (Kage, Guin, Vela, Mitsuko, Joon) was only attacked once so far and won, I take that. 80 points behind the leader.


Oof. Looks like I won’t be buying back in when I lose 4.

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So far…

Day 1
Offense: 4-1
Defense: 0-2 / Grade E
Score: 2,745 / Top 10%

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