[05th Apr, 2020] 50th Raid Tournament - 5* Buff Booster, No Green/Nature

That is what I have been thinking for the past hour.

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Itā€™s a buff, tooā€¦


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This is the first option
This is the second.
I am leaning towards the second one cause Vela being fast.
What you guys think?

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Vela seems to be pretty ineffective at wing, she causes me no trouble there.

Iā€™d lean towards Zim left wing and Seshat right wing.

Zim, Ariel, Aegir, Vela, Seshat.


Maybeā€¦something like thisā€¦ :thinking:


Looks decentā€¦ Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d tank Vela though, she never gives me trouble there - maybe swap Ariel to tank and increase the odds of Mitsy firing from the mana boost?

Then again, big emblem gap

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I would use Richard as tank if I were you.

Actually I would arange your heros in the folowing order for defense.

Athena - Kiril - Richard - Mars - Victor.

I dont have Athena but I sure hope she is a dispeller! :smile:

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I have Frida up to 4/37 but I havent used her to have a feel for her. Those with experience: it worth swapping her for Magni or Isarnia?

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Slow on wings rarely fires.

Iā€™d swap Magni and Isarnia aroundā€¦ Better to waste 1/3 of one part of his special than to bring a hero that wonā€™t get to fire.

Edit: note that whilst Magni defence buff boosts you, Isarniaā€™s defence down overwrites potential defence buff on your attackersā€¦ Both worthwhile.


Thinking of trying this. Doubt Iā€™ll get very far in a 5* but at least Iā€™ve got a fairly extensive set of maxed 4* to chose from.

My Roster if anyone has any alternative suggestions.

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Personally Iā€™d be using Triton instead of Sonya; extra buff and all that.
Edit - saw triton as maxed which he isnā€™tā€¦

Sabina and Sonya both do dispells so donā€™t need both.

Iā€™d also personally look at using a different colour to purple in Grimbles spot. Maybe Wu Kong (for an extra buff) or Chaoā€¦ Or Anzogh/ a redā€¦

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I like the double dispel and Sonya is beefy, which Triton really isnā€™tā€¦

And Iā€™d put Wu instead of Grimble.


Miles off max thoughā€¦ And flimsy even maxed.
I really wouldnā€™t.

Thanks. Triton and Anzogh are a way from being fully maxed so I had dismissed them. The team is definitely lacking punch but I thought it might nicely frustrate! :wink:

Oops missed not maxed.

When maxed I would over Sonya given the rules of this tournament. He also hits harder than soya and gives more buffsā€¦ While Sonya just doubles up on what Sabina does.

Itā€™s beefy and got buffs thoughā€¦ If itā€™s hard to drop and can pack a heavy slash then itā€™ll surprise people.

Thereā€™s a case for Chao in that he adds frustration. Wu or Chao will work.


I could go either wayā€¦

If youā€™re packing beefy heroā€™s and a lineup intended to frustrate (looking at his bench, it looks the sensible way to go, to me) then keeping attackers buffs off has plenty to commend it - especially when placed so that theyā€™ll fire at different times, which these willā€¦
If anything though, itā€™s Sabina on the wing that is less than ideal in my book - itā€™s less of an issue here than it might be in a more attacking defence though.

I tend to think that a defence works best with an identityā€¦ It can be defensive and frustrating, it can be viciously offensive and looking for quick kills.
It takes great care and appropriate choices available to find a middle ground that worksā€¦


But regular Richard is not leveled. I like the costume version just better for hitting harder.

Iā€™m just learning so much from these boards and from all of you. Thanks for all your input. :heart:

(Iā€™m a girl, btw ā€¦ albeit a Tomboy so ā€¦ whatever. :wink:)

I am taking all of this on board although I accept that Iā€™m currently on a very steep learning curve and itā€™ll be a while yet before I can make it to a Friday (seeing I donā€™t use Gems). Although, as you can see, Iā€™m getting to the point where I can put up some decent attack stacks now. Having a great deal of fun learning how this game works.

Thanks again @BubblesUK and @Guvnor


Ah, that narrows it down for nowā€¦

Honestly though, Richard isnā€™t (ever) a hard hitter.

Using the costume to boost the hit is putting lipstick on a pig - it doesnā€™t turn him into something heā€™s not, it just makes him a bit less of what he is.

Heā€™s a tanky grinder in either form - but Paladin suits this much better than Barbarian does.

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