Zarel - 3* Nature / Green from Challenge Festival 2

Her passive does not reduce defense ailments of Springdale heroes. :angry::frowning:

Why do they continue to punish this family smh

:warning: mod edit (Translation to English with Google Translate)

I’m still evolving it I used it for the 1st time I found it interesting it’s close to leveling up and it breaks the level if it’s good I give 2 feedbacks about it in my opinion

Original text

Ainda estou evoluindo ela usei ela pela 1 vez achei interessante ela tĂ´ perto de upar e quebra o nĂ­vel caso seja bom dou 2 feedback sobre ela na minha opiniĂŁo

Next time please add comments in English outside of the #foreign-languages category.

What is everyone’s opinion about this girl//lady?
I have 250 paladin emblems and I am deciding between her or Edelaide, and not sure who to put them on.
Zarel looks like she could be good for rush war ?

Would love anyone’s opinion

I saw her a few times in this week’s tournament. She never fired once out of 7 times seen on defense. Maybe better for rush tourney to back up Treevil


I have no treevil, unfortunately

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She is like a 3* Winifred. Great hero to combine with other heros. Also that mana bonus is essential for rush.

This means average 3* heros with costumes will now be able charge in 9 tiles and slow ones in 11 and very fast ones in 6. Which i think was not possible before.

Note that the bard bonus stays active even if she is dead.


Garyas is the name of that guy

I just got Zarel… looks like a fun one for tournaments. Maybe some people with shallow roster could use in rush war.


LB2 Zarel

Don’t have either Zhabog or Garyas so she’ll have to do for the upcoming 4* Rush tournament. Hp a bit on the low side but Gullin and Wang’s overheal will help hopefully.


Italian translation of this part of the special is horribly wrong.
As of now it reads “All enemies can’t get ailments inflicted by Special Skill for 5 turns”. Had to test her to see what was her special because that description makes no sense at all, a slow hero who buffs enemies. A casual player could feed her away reading that.

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Does the bard family bonus stack if you have 2 Zarels?

If you are asking that if you bring two Zarolas and no other bard heroes, then will the two Zarolas get the family bonus, then the answer is yes, but it will be still just 5% mana generation.

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So I tried it and see the following:

For Lu Bu, he gets the 5% bonus

But for Zarel I see two separate 5% bonuses. I read that to mean she is getting 10% bonus. Am I wrong?



C. Brienne put defense down on Shrubbear, and then Zarel put her prevent-cleanse ailment on Shrubbear. Shrub then fired and reversed the defense down ailment, so we have confirmation that you can flip ailments with the reversing buff even despite Zarel’s ailment.

i’m going to ask the question even though i’m pretty sure i already know the answer and that i won’t like the answer: is this a bug or is this intended? because i fail to see the substantive difference between “can’t be cleansed by special skills” and an ailment being “uncleansable.”

if an ailment is uncleansable, it can’t be flipped by the corresponding dispellable buff if it’s a part of the special skill—“can’t get their status ailments cleansed or reallocated by special skills”—so by the logic of the game, Zarel should have prevented Shrubbear from being able to reverse C. Brienne’s defense down ailment.


Yes, I know that ambiguous wording but that work as intended.

Reallocating a buff is exactly what happened isn’t it. Shrubear reallocated C. Brienne’s def down which should not have happened?? It didn’t used to be like that, it’s a recent addition to all dispel preventers (Belladonna) & so should have prevented it from happening surely.

Do you guys think she is worth 2lb? I recently 2lb Jolly and he is been useful so I was wondering if the same applies to Zarel?



Yes, she is. Definitely


This is what mine looks like. Yours could too :wink:

She is great in the 3* tournaments, especially in Rush.


Here she is! Can’t wait to utilize her 2LB :slight_smile: